How To Be More Proactive And Less Reactive: 17 Strategies

Today you’re going to learn how to be more proactive and less reactive.

Want to become a more active, productive person? There are several strategies that can help if you feel like you’re constantly planning but never acting. In this post, we’ll go through 17 actions that all proactive people do, from taking initiative and accepting responsibility to self-control and problem-solving. In this article, you’ll discover all the information you need to become a more proactive person!

How To Be More Proactive And Less Reactive:

1. Set specific, practical goals.

Action is great, but only if it’s thoughtful and focused. This is a fantastic way to stay motivated and make progress. Setting unattainable goals will only lead to disappointment and make it harder for you to stay motivated to achieve your goals.

Set a goal of cycling or martial arts training every other day, rather than telling yourself that you need to lose all the excess weight in a month.

Make sure your goals reflect what you really want. For example, even if your real motivation is to lose weight, your goal may be to become more attractive to others.

2. Decide on one key action. Do it right now.

Start right away if you’ve been putting off an important task. An endless list of to-do’s can be exhausting and you may find yourself rushing from one to the next without finishing any of them. Focus on the tasks that matter most and work to complete them rather than trying to do everything at once.

If your to-do list includes tasks such as decorating your kitchen, cleaning your room, and getting your car ready for a trip, you should focus on the one that is most important: checking your car.

3. Finish one quick task each day.

Keeping the little things under control prevents them from building up. You’ll reduce some of your stress by taking care of routine daily chores rather than putting them off and making sure they don’t grow into bigger problems. Making a small effort now can prevent a bigger disaster later.

Pay attention to preventive maintenance, whether it’s monitoring fluid levels in your car, replenishing supplies in the kitchen, or setting aside a little cash each week for savings.

4. Let go of things you can’t control.

Putting effort into something you can’t control is a waste of time. Spending time worrying about things you can’t do anything about is pointless. Focus your enthusiasm and energy on completing the things you know you can do. You will be able to do much more and feel happier as a result.

For example, you can’t force your child to get excellent grades in school if you’re worried about his education. However, you can help him prepare for exams, give him adequate rest, and motivate him to take his grades seriously.

5. Show initiative instead of asking for help.

When you can do something yourself, why wait for others to do it? Only you have the power to achieve your goals and solve your problems. Although there are people in your life who will help you, you must rely on yourself to succeed. When difficulties arise, take the initiative and rise to the occasion.

When a problem arises, accept responsibility for it and try to solve it yourself instead of blaming someone or something else.

6. Reflect on your actions.

Tracking your development can help you decide what to do next. Stop occasionally and take a moment to think about your recent actions. If your goals aren’t being met, think about how you can perform better and create a new strategy.

Create a strategy, to-do list, or routine to get the job done.

Look for ways to reduce, combine or remove steps in the process.

SEE ALSO: How to Increase Level of Happiness: 6 Scientifically Proven Tips 

7. Focus on finding solutions. 

Making progress can be hindered if your attention is focused on problems. Try to change your perspective if you easily view challenges as negative obstacles. By focusing on developing your problem-solving skills, you can find answers to the challenges you face.

Finding a solution will be much easier if you view the problem as something that can be fixed.

For example, you might politely advise a co-worker to take a shower at the gym or visit her after work if she has really bad body odor after exercising at lunch.

8. Spend time with motivated people.

It’s a waste of energy to invest your time in unhealthy relationships. Spending time with individuals who will push you to succeed and take action can help you be proactive. If you are with other motivated individuals, you will be more likely to maintain your motivation.

It’s time to create some space between yourself and someone who is negative (1), lethargic, or otherwise uninspired if you spend time with them.

9. Remain composed and rational.

Giving in to irritation and anger can make you unproductive. If you find that you are agitated while talking to someone, take a few slow, deep breaths to relax and regain your composure. While it’s easy to react with anger, it’s much better to speak clearly and quietly.

Whether you are talking to someone or not, when you are unhappy, you can take a few deep breaths to calm down.

10. Be responsible for your actions.

Refuse to accept self-justification, and if you are behind, make up for it. When it comes to completing tasks, you must be responsible for yourself and ensure that you get them done in a reasonable amount of time. This involves taking responsibility for your actions and treating each task with urgency.

Think about telling someone else about everything you want to take responsibility for. This person will encourage you to stick to your goals and let you know when you can improve.

11. See failure as a learning experience.

You become more proactive when you learn from your mistakes. Try to take something positive out of failure. Consider a different approach to the situation. You will grow if you learn from your failures.

12. Set a daily schedule.

Consistency is key when it comes to spending your time effectively. Maintain a routine; get up and go to bed at the same time each day; schedule time for hobbies, self-care, and exercise. Making the most of your time will be easier the more routine your routine is. Recognize your limitations and make steady, moderate progress toward your goals.

You will be letting yourself and others down if you make commitments you can’t meet or have exorbitant expectations.

SEE ALSO: How To Have Productive Day: 16 Things To Do Everyday

13. Channel your fear and worry into something positive.

The secret to staying focused is the ability to turn what is unpleasant into something positive. Try to divert your attention by getting things done rather than letting worry or harmful levels of thinking consume you. You’ll feel more optimistic and productive if you focus your efforts on doing small tasks.

For example, if you can’t stop worrying and obsessing about whether you’ll get a raise at work, focus on smaller chores, such as cleaning the yard or washing the dishes.

Talking to people you can trust about your worries can be a fantastic way to get advice while reducing stress. For example, if you are being harassed at work, you can meet with an HR representative and describe the situation.

14. Offer to take the initiative.

Offering leadership to others will give you purpose and direction. People who are proactive don’t sit on their hands or just listen to the recommendations of others. Take action and actively participate, whether offering your opinions at work meetings or organizing family outings yourself.

Never pass up an opportunity to be a leader. You will develop as a person to a much greater degree if you easily accept responsibility for others.

15. Be empathetic and open to new ideas.

Don’t let being proactive prevent you from paying attention to other people. Consider the other person’s perspective if you have trouble understanding someone’s perspective or just want a more realistic picture. By practicing empathy (2), you can avoid seeing things from only one perspective.

For example, try to understand why an employee or colleague might be consistently late for work. Do they have children who require transportation to school? Do they have trustworthy transportation? Try to imagine the situation from their perspective.

Try to remember that everyone does what they can when someone is unkind to you at work. Not everyone has emotional intelligence or a network of relatives and supporters.

16. Challenge your unfavorable beliefs.

Consider what happens when you expect the worst. While it may be easy to draw conclusions in an instant, it’s crucial to gather all the facts before you do so. Keeping an open mind will allow you to reason more clearly and develop better answers.

Consider the possibility that they might be really busy or don’t have their phone with them, rather than thinking they don’t want to talk to you after they didn’t respond to your text message.

17. Decide to focus on the positive.

It is much easier to be proactive when you have a positive attitude. A positive attitude is key to being proactive as well as being happy and healthy. Try to have a good attitude and look at things from a fresh perspective instead of attaching negative feelings to them.

Try to interrupt unpleasant thoughts as soon as you realize them. Instead, replace them with inspiring, uplifting ideas.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article about how to be more proactive and less reactive. I sincerely hope its contents have been a good help to you.

Przemkas Mosky
Przemkas Mosky started Perfect 24 Hours in 2017. He is a Personal Productivity Specialist, blogger and entrepreneur. He also works as a coach assisting people to increase their motivation, social skills or leadership abilities. Read more here