How To Be More Open Minded In Life: 13 Fun And Simple Ways

Today you’re going to learn how to be more open minded in life.

You’re in luck if you want to be more open-minded about different ideas, beliefs, and environments. There are many fun and simple ways to practice open-mindedness. When you have the opportunity, try new activities, meet new people, and try to listen more than you talk.

Everyone has preconceived opinions, so question them and try to detect when you are making assumptions. The more you practice, the easier it will be to communicate with people from different backgrounds.

How To Be More Open Minded in life:

1. Familiarize yourself with new music.

Try to listen to a different type of music each week. Check out the channels available through your streaming subscription, look online for ideas, or ask a friend.

Listening to music from many genres, from different parts of the world, and from different historical periods can help your brain open up to new experiences. New music can help you form emotional connections with new people, places, and things.

2. Continue reading novels and short stories.

A good short story can put you in the shoes of a character from another time and place. Go to your local library and look through the collection for books with unusual themes, places, and characters.

For example, you might read novels by writers from other nations or works about the difficulties of having an identity (such as gender, nationality, or sexual orientation) different from your own.

3. Become proficient in a new language.

Learning a new language can help you communicate with new people and respect other cultures. To get started, look for a course at your local university or download an app.

Learning a new language can help you communicate across cultural divides. The way a society expresses itself through words can reveal a lot about its ideals and customs.

4. Go to a service at a house of worship other than your own.

Make an effort to learn more about another faith tradition. You can ask a friend of another faith if you could join him or her at a service. You can also seek out a local church, mosque, synagogue, temple, or other place of worship on your own.

It is polite to ask if you can come early to the place of worship. Avoid unexpectedly disrupting events such as weddings or religious festivals.

Come with an open mind to these events. Expect to be asked to justify your beliefs or try to convince others that their views are wrong. Just pay attention, observe, and try to thank this new group for sharing their time and ideals with you.

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5. Enroll in a hands-on course.

Learning new skills is a great way to broaden your horizons and open yourself up to new experiences. You can sign up for a class or start a new hobby that you’re already interested in. For example, you could take a class in gardening, cooking, yoga, or mixed martial arts (1).

These types of seminars are often offered free or at a discounted rate at community centers, recreation centers, colleges, and university development centers.

Lessons in dance, painting, drawing, acting, and other art-related subjects can help boost creativity.

Group courses are also a great way to meet new people.

6. Practice listening more than talking.

You can know all the people in the world, but if you only talk, you will never learn anything about them. Instead of focusing on what you want to say, ask more questions and listen carefully.

Give your full attention to active listening. Playing on your phone or daydreaming during a conversation is not a good idea. Keep eye contact and nod your head to show that you are listening attentively. Try to imagine the events, objects, or people the interviewer is talking about.

7. When you have the opportunity, start a discussion with someone new.

Diverse perspectives can help you see things from different angles and grow as a person. In everyday life, try to talk to people with different backgrounds and views.

For example, during your lunch break at school or work, sit down with someone you don’t usually talk to.

Instead of asking first about her religious or political views, let the conversation flow organically. Asking “Where are you from?” is a good way to start getting to know someone. or “What do you like to do in your spare time?”

Some college campuses and community groups host events to bring people of different backgrounds and beliefs together. 

8. Take advantage of opportunities to travel to different places.

You don’t have to travel far to reap the benefits of travel. Just look for a place where the way of life is different from your own. Immersing yourself in a new environment is a great way to get a fresh perspective on the world.

Explore new areas with an open mind. Don’t judge or make judgments based on the fact that different cultures have different ways of doing things. Instead, try to keep an open mind and absorb as much information as possible.

International travel is a great way to learn about different cultures. Plan a visit to a place where you don’t speak the language and have few contacts. Learning to explore a new corner of the globe without your usual tools will broaden your horizons.

If you can’t go abroad, look for something challenging in your area. If you live in the city, spend a few days camping in the woods. Do you live in the state of California? A trip to the American South is a great opportunity to meet new people, experience new foods, and learn about different cultures.

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9. Help out at a local charity or non-profit organization.

Carve out time to volunteer at a food bank, shelter, or youth center where you will interact with a variety of people. Helping others, especially those who are different from you, can allow you to see that desires, needs, and goals can transcend barriers.

Consider combining volunteering and travel (2) for a truly unique experience. Going on a volunteer trip or simply taking a day to volunteer while visiting a new place can help you meet new people and gain a fresh perspective on the world.

10. Reflect on how you came to hold certain beliefs.

Analyze your beliefs and ask yourself, “How did I come to believe this?” Consider who taught you the idea and how your life experiences reinforced it.

For example, if you were taught that it only takes hard effort to achieve a goal, consider the following question: “Is it possible that some people have worked hard and yet failed in life?” Is there anything that can have a greater impact on your potential for achievement than your work ethic?

11. Try to be aware of any assumptions you make.

Assumptions are a normal part of reasoning, but if not analyzed, they can lead to narrow-mindedness. Pay attention to your expectations when you meet new people or are in unfamiliar surroundings. Check to see if your actions are influenced by previous assumptions.

Suppose you’ve never had spaghetti with pesto sauce before and you think you’d despise it. Consider why you think you might dislike it. Is it because of the color of the sauce? Is it because you despise its smell? Perhaps you have no compelling reason to think so, and you should try pesto!

12. Search the Internet for new topics and viewpoints.

When you have a few spare minutes, make the most of them by seeking out new knowledge. On the Internet, you can find articles, videos, and podcasts on scientific topics, current events, religions, and cultures around the world.

For example, while waiting in line at the bank, you can start a new article or listen to a podcast.

Make sure you use reliable sources. On the Internet, you can find a lot of misleading and biased information. Look for scientific studies, reports from independent groups, and data from reliable sources such as governments, universities, and news organizations.

13. Think about why someone has different views than you do.

Pick a contentious issue and read or listen to a story in the newspaper or a podcast about it. Look for sources who have different views than you. Consider the situation from the other side’s perspective.

Suppose you want the minimum wage to be higher. As you delve deeper into the issue, you may come across stories about small business owners who are afraid that rising payroll expenses could lead to their closure. While you still believe what you believe, you may discover that the opposing viewpoint has a solid basis.

Thank you for reading this article how to be more open minded in life and I really hope that you take action my advice.

I wish you good luck and I hope its contents have been a good help to you.

Przemkas Mosky
Przemkas Mosky started Perfect 24 Hours in 2017. He is a Personal Productivity Specialist, blogger and entrepreneur. He also works as a coach assisting people to increase their motivation, social skills or leadership abilities. Read more here