If you want to know how to stay productive while working remotely, you’ll love this article.
Working from home provides a lot of flexibility and independence, but it also requires a lot of attention and discipline. Family, household chores, and home-related pleasures can quickly distract you.
To stay productive while working from home, you need to be organized and use your time efficiently. You will also need a relaxing work environment with few distractions.
It can be difficult to stay focused, so take breaks and nourish your body and mind with nutritious meals to help you stay focused!
How To Stay Productive While Working Remotely:
1. Create a regular work routine.
Even though many companies allow you to choose your work hours, it’s a good idea to stick to a regular schedule. This will help you avoid wasting time during the day and then rushing to catch up later in the day or week. It will also help you achieve a better work-life balance. Set a schedule of work hours and stick to it.
If a regular 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule doesn’t suit you, don’t feel obligated to follow it. For example, if you feel more energetic during the later hours, you can work from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
If your schedule allows, you can even divide your work day into separate parts. For example, you can work from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and then from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. The middle of the day can be used for housework or errands.
2. Make a to-do list each day that you prioritize.
Take about 30 minutes each day before starting work to determine how you want to spend your time. List the most difficult, urgent, and time-consuming tasks first, followed by the easier, faster, and lower-priority tasks. Throughout the day, try to cross off or mark off completed tasks.
Keeping a to-do list can make tasks seem easier to complete, and it also makes it easier to keep track of what has been accomplished and what still needs to be done.
The to-do list should be focused and divide larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.
3. Assign individual tasks to different time slots.
You can better manage your time by setting specific times when you will run errands and by choosing which tasks you will complete throughout the day. Try to schedule a reasonable amount of time to complete each activity, or set aside a specific amount of time each day to focus on current tasks.
For example, you might schedule time from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. to research and create a short content marketing post, and then from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. to select and edit photos for that article.
As time goes on, you will have a better understanding of how to manage your time effectively.
4. Allow “scheduled breaks” in your schedule.
Work-from-home interruptions are inevitable, especially if you live with other people. To avoid disrupting your workflow, schedule time to deal with problems that often arise during the day.
For example, if you have children, you can arrange a small break each day when they get home from school to visit them and have a snack.
5. Keep track of your time to detect performance problems.
When you start working from home, keep a work journal to record how much time you spend on each activity. You can use this information to change your approach if you find that you are spending too much time on certain tasks or that your productivity drops off at certain times of the day.
For example, if you find that you are spending too much time on one task, you can look for ways to simplify the process or shift it to a more active time of day.
You can use a paper journal or planner, a digital spreadsheet, or a time-tracking tool such as Due Time (1) to track time.
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6. Don’t work outside of normal business hours.
It is very important not to let your personal life interfere with your work schedule, but the reverse is also true. Maintain a healthy work-life balance by avoiding doing work-related activities when you’re not working.
When you’re done working, log out of any work-related communication apps, such as Slack or Skype.
When you’re done for the day, don’t read or respond to work emails, and leave work-related conversations on voicemail.
7. Create a special place to work.
If possible, designate one room in your home as your workspace. If you can’t set aside an entire room, set aside a space in that room, such as a desk in your bedroom or a spot at your dining room table. This space should be used only for work, not for relaxing or doing household chores.
It is not a good idea to work in places where you normally sleep or rest, such as your bed or sofa. It will make it difficult to stay awake while you are working, and it may also make it difficult to sleep or rest when you are not working!
Let all household members know that the place you have chosen is for work only, and encourage them not to disturb us there unless it is really necessary.
8. Choose a relaxing, quiet place to work.
It’s hard to concentrate when you’re uncomfortable and distracted. Choose a place in your home that is well lit, has enough space for you to spread out, and is not too hot or too cool. Avoid places where there is a lot of noise or traffic.
It’s not a good idea to work in rooms where people are talking, watching TV, or using loud devices.
You can also make your workstation comfortable if necessary. For example, install a desk lamp, heater, oscillating fan, or noise generator near your desk.
9. Remove clutter and organize your workspace.
Clutter can cause stress and make it difficult to find the items you need. Remove all items that are not related to your work and organize what you need for work so you can find it quickly when you need it.
Set up pictures, decorations, or houseplants to make your home seem more cozy. However, don’t let them take up so much space that they become distracting or interfere with your work!
A well-organized workstation doesn’t always mean that it has to be spotless. It’s more important to always know where it is.
10. Keep all the items you need for your project close at hand.
If you’re not constantly getting up to look for different things, you’ll be able to make better use of your time. Keep all the items that you use frequently during the day in an easily accessible place. This can include items such as
- Personal computer
- Chargers for phones and other electrical devices.
- A calendar, or schedule
- A pen and a notepad
- Snacks and water.
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11. Put on some clothes before you start work.
If you work from home, it can be tempting to spend all day in just a shirt. On the other hand, taking the time to get dressed can help you transition smoothly from sleep mode to work mode. You can even dress in business attire if you want to get in the right mood.
Take time to get dressed and do the other things you do when getting ready for the work day, such as washing your face, hair, and teeth.
12. Take a break every hour to move.
When you’re tired or burned out, getting up and exercising once an hour can help avoid joint strain, improve circulation and restore energy. Stretch, walk around the room, or maybe take a short jog for a few minutes around your residence.
You can also use your breaks for small activities, such as taking out the trash or reading the mail.
13. Follow a healthy diet by eating nutritious meals and snacks throughout the day.
Healthy eating and hydration will give you energy and help you concentrate. Eat a nutritious breakfast and take a break for lunch before starting work. Always carry a bottle of water with you and drink it throughout the day. Have a small, nutritious snack if you feel hungry or your energy drops between meals.
Keep your cupboard and refrigerator stocked, as you will be eating most of your meals at home.
Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean protein (such as chicken and white meat, fish, or legumes), and healthy fats for energy (such as those in vegetable oils, avocados, nuts, and seeds).
14. When you reach a goal, reward yourself with a small gift.
Small incentives are a great way to stay motivated and make work more fun. Take a moment to celebrate after completing a task, even if it’s just taking a 5-minute break to watch a funny movie.
Bigger career goals can be rewarded with bigger incentives, such as going to the movies or out for a drink with friends after work.
15. Limit your use of social media and time-wasting apps.
It’s easy to get caught up on Facebook and YouTube and lose track of time. Avoid going to websites that waste time on your computer, and keep your phone away unless you’re making a call or using productivity apps.
Install browser extensions that restrict access, such as Strict Workflow , if you have difficulty avoiding the temptation to use social media.
Installing apps like Offtime (2), which limit time spent on time-wasting apps and surfing the web, can also help you avoid the temptation to use your phone.
16. Ask family and friends to leave you alone while you work.
It is too easy for people to assume that you are “available” at any time when you are home all day. Remind your relatives and friends that you work from home, and ask them not to try to distract you with calls during work hours.
If you have problems with people calling or texting during work hours, consider turning on “Do Not Disturb” mode on your phone. You can even have a second phone line set aside for business calls.
Thank you for reading this article about how to stay productive while working remotely and I really hope that you take action my advice.
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