If you want to know how to get more motivation , you’ll love this article. Have you ever wanted so much to do something that you could give up everything to get started? Did you feel such a strong desire to do something that no one could stop you?
If you experienced such a feeling, it means that you were really motivated. You did not think about whether to do something or not. You didn’t think about what might not work out. Instead, you were focused on action and took systematic steps forward.
The problem is that we rarely really feel internally motivated. Usually we just don’t want to do certain things and we have to force ourselves to do others. Just think, how many great ideas did you give up because you didn’t have the motivation to implement them?
In my life, motivation was not always present. For a long time I was looking for techniques and motivational methods to do something with my life.
For some time I decided to test various ways of inducing the state of motivations. Today I’ll show you 10 ways to get a strong motivation state whenever you want. All of them have been practiced by me for a long time and I get excellent results thanks to them.
The following methods of motivation are best used by combining and modifying them. In your personal development, always experiment and see what is best for you.
How To Get More Motivation In Life:
1. Set your own goals.
This is an absolute basis. Setting goals sets your mind to achieve them. Before you start doing something, think carefully about what you want to achieve. It is much easier to be motivated when you know what the effect of your actions will be. What goals should you set? Let them be ambitious – the bigger the goal, the greater the stimulation for your mind.
Of course, they shouldn’t be completely impossible to achieve, but allow yourself a little imagination. You’ll soon notice that setting really ambitious goals is a big boost to your effectiveness. If your goals seem too big to you – don’t change them, just divide them into smaller ones, think about the elements of a bigger goal.
How to set goals? It is best to write them all down. If you just want to learn the material for the exam, write it down on a piece of paper. If you want to give yourself a general direction of your activities, you can do the following exercise: on an A4 sheet draw four large circles (two circles in two rows, let them occupy the whole sheet). In the last circle, write or draw with symbols everything you want to achieve in your whole life. Think about how you want your life to look in the future.
In the penultimate circle, do the same, only for the whole next year. Think about what you want to achieve during the coming year. The second circle is your goals for next month and the first one is your goals for tomorrow. If you achieve the goals from the first circle, it will be much easier for you to achieve the goals from the second circle, and so on.
2. Visualize the achieved goal.
Find five minutes to visualize the effect of your work. Whatever the task you have planned, think about how it will be once you have done it. How will you look like? How will you feel? Let these be positive images. See the effect of your work in the best possible light, feel the vast amount of knowledge you have gained. Think about what you’ll do now that you’re done with it. Feel the pleasure of a job well done with your whole body. Enjoy what you visualize.
Make sure the image you create is rich in detail. Do this exercise at least once a day for a few minutes. This is one of the strongest tools to achieve true motivation.
3. Write down the benefits.
Take an empty piece of paper and a pen and start writing down all the benefits you can think of in relation to the task. More free time, the joy of a loved one, getting paid, being able to meet friends, learning something new.
Not all of them have to be strongly argued and logical.
Write down everything you can think of, even if your reasons are ridiculous or meaningless. It is important that there are as many of them as possible. Once you have created such a list, you will approach the planned task in a completely different way – you could barely find one reason before you write the list, and now you have so many of them.
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4. Plan.
Plan exactly what you have to do. It’s not always enough to know what the effect is supposed to be. Planning also lets you see the whole process, not just the effect. Each complex task is composed of the simplest elements.
Therefore, when you carefully list the individual steps that will lead you to the achievement of a given goal, it will be easier for you to get down to the individual elements of the process. The whole process will not seem so difficult anymore, because it will consist of simple steps. This will also allow you to keep track of your progress. Knowing where you are and how far away you are from achieving your goal will improve your effectiveness.
5. Use the five-minute method.
If you have something you don’t want to do, decide to do it for just five minutes. Say “five minutes, not a moment longer”. Such a perspective will make it much easier for you to get down to the task, and what’s more, you will often find that once you’ve done something for those five minutes, you won’t finish it after those five minutes, but you’ll do it much longer than you planned.
6. Combine the goal with the highest value.
Think about what is the most important thing in your life? Health, family, love, education, fun? What do you put above all other values? Which of these areas can you really dedicate yourself to? Once you have established (there may be more than one) the most important value, combine it with the task you have to perform.
You can do that by asking yourself, “What’s it gonna do to me?” What will it give you to learn this material? You will pass the exam. What will it give you to pass the exam? You will not have a correction. What will it do for you? You will have more free time. What will your free time give you? You will be able to spend time with friends or go somewhere else, which means having fun. Simple, isn’t it?
7. Be positive.
Pay attention to your thoughts. Observe them all the time, especially when you are thinking about the task ahead. If they turn out to be negative, change them into positive ones. End all “I won’t succeed”, “it’s difficult”, “I can’t do it”. When you say that, you’re right. You put your mind on failure, and as a result your performance is falling significantly, and indeed nothing works.
It’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you think you can do it, that it will be easy, that everything will work out for you – you are also right. By setting your mind to success, you stimulate it to act. Your effectiveness increases significantly. Make a habit of positive thinking. You have great possibilities and believe in it, and you will work much better. What is more, the perspective of success will immediately stimulate your motivation.
8. See yourself motivated.
It is a technique that stimulates motivation on an emotional level. It consists in visualizing oneself on a cinema screen. Think that you are sitting alone in a cinema opposite the big screen and there you can see a film in which you are doing the task you want to motivate yourself to do.
Imagine yourself immensely fascinated by the activity you are doing. Feel the enthusiasm that hangs in your face from the screen. See all the details – the way you move, the expression of your eyes, the violence of your movements. Pay attention to the colors of the film, to the sounds you hear. Look into your thoughts as you see yourself in this film, highly motivated.
Once you’ve seen the exact image of yourself in such a strong state on the cinema screen with all the details and emotions, enter the screen and into your body. When you do this, feel it all, act like you just saw it on the screen. Intensify all these sensations.
This is a very powerful tool and will allow you to feel motivated immediately.
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9. Listen to the motivating music.
Have you ever listened to a song before and it has caused an emotional state in you? It is a phenomenon of emotional conditionality, also called anchor. There are stimuli that cause certain emotional states in us.
How can you use that? With all the ways you have just read, you can create a strong feeling of motivation. Once you’ve reached this state and intensified it enough, start a song – preferably a cheerful and energetic one. Choose one you haven’t listened to before. And while she’s playing, you enjoy your strong state of motivation. Your brain will connect this state with the external stimulus, which is the song, and the next time you listen to it, the state of motivation will reappear.
10. Reward yourself.
An old, good method that everyone likes. Think about how you can reward yourself for achieving your goal. What will you do if you succeed in completing the task well? Will you eat something sweet? Will you go to the cinema? Will you allow yourself an hour of relaxation? The choice is yours, and it is worth thinking about it, because it shifts your thinking from the difficulty of the task to the pleasure of the reward.
Try everything and see what works best for you.
Perhaps you’ll like any of these ways so much that you’ll be able to practice it forever before doing all sorts of tasks. If you start practicing everything you’ve read, motivation will accompany you whenever you need it.
Thank you for reading this article about how to get more motivation and I really hope that you take action my advice. I wish you good luck and I hope its contents have been a good help to you.