Today you’re going to learn how to avoid dreaming about someone.
Sometimes, when someone refuses to leave your thoughts, they may even appear in your dreams. Since dreams just happen on their own, trying to stop thinking about that person won’t really help.
It’s better to find a way to concentrate your thoughts right before bed; try reading a book or using meditation to clear your mind. If that doesn’t work, you may have to find a method to accept your connection or experience with the dream object in order to permanently banish it from your waking life.
How To Avoid Dreaming About Someone:
1. Keep yourself busy throughout the day.
Make a commitment to work harder between waking up and going to bed. When you get home, you can take some time to clean the house, go to the gym or take care of all the little things you’ve been putting off. Dreams, according to scientists, serve as a means of assimilation. The more you do during the day, the more material your subconscious will have to work with to create different kinds of dreams.
Stay busy and engaged to help your visions come alive with fresh scenes, ideas, and themes.
No matter how much you take on, you can’t escape your dreams. You are definitely doing too much if you are always stressed or find it difficult to balance all your commitments.
2. Read a book before going to bed.
Choose a book that you can read in at least 30 minutes. Reading is a fantastic technique for distracting yourself from the kinds of waking ideas that can affect the details of your dreams. In a sense, it offers you something else to consider, which can prevent you from becoming fixated on the person who was snooping in your dreams.
Reading also has the added benefit of speeding up the process of falling asleep if you suffer from insomnia or anxiety.
Since the blue light produced by digital displays can stimulate the brain and actually make it harder to fall asleep, reading is better than watching TV or playing games on your phone.
3. Spend some time in meditation to relax.
Sit on the floor in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and relax your body as much as you can. Focus on the repetition of your breathing and the feeling of sitting while taking slow, deep breaths through your nose and out of your mouth. You’ll feel more unnecessary thoughts disappear the longer you sit and breathe.
If you notice your thoughts drifting to the person you’ve been dreaming about, gently guide them back to your body and breath.
“Mindfulness meditation” is the common name for this type of meditation. Many people find mindfulness meditation to be an effective technique for reducing excessive thinking, which often leads to annoying nightmares.
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4. Direct your dreams with music.
Set some soft, relaxing music or a recording of something soothing like a thunderstorm or a flowing stream as you prepare to drift off. Another method many people use to gently lull themselves to sleep is using devices that emit white noise. Such auditory cues can be enough to induce a more pleasant sleep—one that doesn’t involve the person you’re trying to forget—than the one you’re trying to forget.
Whatever you listen to should be adjusted to be loud enough for you to hear, but not so loud that it interferes with your sleep or wakes you up later.
Try ASMR if you’re not sure what to wear. A sound treatment technique known as ASMR (1), or “Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response,” uses everyday sounds such as tapping, scraping, and whispering to relieve tension and encourage restful, deep sleep. Free ASMR recordings can be found all over the Internet, on sites such as YouTube.
Avoid playing anything that might make you think of the person, such as their favorite song or background music that brings back memories of a vacation you spent together.
5. Consider another person with whom you share a special bond.
According to research, one of the easiest ways to stop thinking about someone is to focus your thoughts on someone else you care deeply about. Think of pleasant experiences with a lover, friend, or family member, or list a few of their qualities that you value most. If you focus on these, you can push the other person out of your thoughts as you prepare for sleep.
Not just when you’re trying to fall asleep, but whenever bad memories start to surface, focusing on someone close to you can help you feel calm.
By increasing your connections to the person and reminding you of their importance in your life, this type of visualization also helps deepen existing bonds.
6. Accept any lingering emotions you may have for this person.
If the person in your dreams is someone who has betrayed or hurt you, their actions may have had a lasting effect on your mind. In this situation, you will have to come to terms with their memories before they stop appearing in your dreams. Try to accept the interactions you had with this person as part of your past and extend forgiveness for any harm they may have done to you.
Dreams with sexual or romantic overtones may indicate that you are unhappy in your existing relationship. If these issues are resolved, the dreams may end.
Dreams about a deceased loved one are normal and healthy; they are just part of the grieving process. As your health improves, these dreams should begin to occur less frequently.
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7. If you think it will help, try to solve your problems directly with the other person.
Try talking to the person face-to-face about what they did and how it affected you, if you feel comfortable doing so. Ask if the person would be open to talking to you and allowing you to unload. You may be able to move on and leave the person behind for good, thanks to the closure you need in a face-to-face conversation.
Pick up the phone if you don’t feel comfortable meeting in person. A phone call, however, can allow you to hear and be heard in a more intimate setting.
It can be especially beneficial as a last opportunity to discuss things if you are going through a difficult breakup or ending a toxic relationship.
Another option is to send the person a letter (2) outlining what you want to say to them if you are unable or unwilling to engage with them further. Even if you decide not to mail it, simply writing your regrets can feel very relieving.
8. Examine your dreams to learn more about their origins.
Try to be an impartial observer in your dreams, rather than a passive participant. Remind yourself that you are dreaming, then take a step back and observe what is happening without engaging in any emotional reactions. Create a hypothesis about what you think the things in the dream might have meant upon waking, and be willing to accept any conclusion you reach.
You may be required to practice lucid dreaming or other approaches to become more involved in your dreams.
You can try telling the person that you don’t want to see them again, or even try doing something symbolic, like walking away or closing a door, to symbolize your feelings.
Some dreams are like knots just waiting to be untangled; if you pull out the right thread, whatever has been holding you back can begin to unravel.
9. If the dreams persist, think about seeing a psychologist.
You may feel unable to stop your dreams on your own if they reach a point where they are disturbing. A licensed counselor can provide you with helpful exercises to change the way you think, as well as help you deal with difficult emotional issues. As a result, your dreams may change.
To make sure you get the support you need, seek out a therapist who includes dream analysis or interpretation of unconscious thought patterns in their scope of practice.
Thank you for reading this article about how to avoid dreaming about someone and I really hope that you take action my advice.
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