Today you’re going to learn how to share your ideas with others.
If you have fantastic ideas, you should share them with your friends and family. To promote your ideas to people you know, try to prepare the perfect presentation.
At work, make sure that your ideas are aligned with the expectations of your supervisor and co-workers so that they are receptive to what you have to say to them. In your personal life, consider sharing your thoughts with a wider audience to help yourself and your community improve.
How To Share Your Ideas With Others:
1. Find something to encourage your target audience with
The audience needs to be attracted to something. This requires a thorough understanding of your target audience. To create a great hook, you must first discover what motivates people.
Perhaps you’re telling a buddy about a fantastic idea for a group trip, and your friend likes adventure. Your hook could be a brief summary of all the great outdoor activities available in your region.
2. Prepare in advance by practicing expressing your concept.
If you want people to listen to you, you need to be able to express yourself clearly. Before you share your concept with others, make sure you can define it properly in a few sentences. This can be harder than you think, and not being able to do so can cause a brilliant idea to sink before it has time to surface.
Come up with a story about your idea. You don’t have to start with an anecdote, but you do need to present your topic in a logical order, with a beginning, middle, and end.
For example, if you’re trying to convince a colleague to go on vacation, start with a broad idea and then explain why you chose a fantastic vacation spot. Finally, persuade him to join you.
First, talk about it with a friend who is not trying to persuade you. Check that he or she understands what you are saying.
3. Tailor your speech to the audience’s mindset.
Consider in advance who you will be speaking to. Do these people tend to make decisions under the influence of emotions? Do they like numbers and statistics? Or maybe they just want you to understand them. Use this knowledge to refine what you say to them.
You may be trying to persuade your brother to help save animals. If your sibling tends to make emotional decisions, tell them about unfortunate animals that need affection and a home.
If, on the other hand, your brother is a numbers person, talk about how many animals he rescues from the streets and how he controls the overpopulation by spaying and neutering them and rescuing them from homelessness.
4. Be prepared for any questions or concerns that may arise.
When presenting a new concept, you may already see how to implement it. Even if the audience likes the concept, they may have difficulty implementing it. This may cause the plan to be abandoned before it even gets off the ground. Think about what problems your audience might have in implementing it, and prepare answers ahead of time.
For example, if you are trying to start a recycling program at your children’s school, talk about how the city will provide recycling bins and that you already have volunteers to help. Keep in mind that this will require some preliminary research, such as looking online to see what the city will provide, or contacting to inquire about bins.
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5. Instead of offering negative insights, offer good ones.
Instead of complaining about something that doesn’t work in your workplace, suggest how it can be done better. Instead of making a negative impact, offer a different solution. Negative criticism usually causes people to become defensive, so presenting a positive alternative will make them more attentive.
Instead of whining about not being able to go to the gym, suggest a gym at your workplace (1).
6. Also present bizarre ideas during brainstorming sessions.
If you have a bizarre idea, don’t hesitate to present it, even if you think the employer will find it ridiculous. While some ideas may be rejected initially, others may spark creative thinking in the group and lead to more practical solutions. Without a little bit of madness at the beginning, the more practical yet innovative ideas would never be implemented.
If your supervisor asks you to brainstorm at a meeting, for example, try not to limit yourself too much. Even if it seems strange to you, present your idea. It may start a conversation that will lead to something much more intriguing. It just takes courage to speak up.
Your supervisor may ask you to designate a unique location for your next brainstorming session. You may think the statement “at a water park” is a bit odd, and you’re right. However, maybe it will inspire someone else to come up with a fun place to meet, such as a simple park near your workplace.
7. Describe how the idea would benefit the organization or the team.
If you want your supervisor to listen to you, you must be able to explain how your idea will improve the work situation. This means that you must provide specific methods by which your idea will help individuals become more productive or efficient.
For example, you might propose that your company start a small garden. Your supervisor may dismiss this as a waste of money. However, you may find that it will make employees more productive by allowing them to relax among trees and vegetation.
8. Expect rejection in the workplace.
When you present your idea, the response may not be what you expected. You may receive an unfavorable response or a direct “No.” This does not mean that you should not share your ideas! Rather, it means that this response did not meet the expectations of your boss or team.
If you still think your concept is excellent but your supervisor responded negatively, revisit it later. It is possible that your boss’s reaction had nothing to do with your suggestion. Perhaps it was just a terrible week for him.
If, on the other hand, you seem to like the idea but are not sure about certain elements of it, try changing it slightly before bringing it up again.
However, don’t make this suggestion too often. If you try it a few times and don’t succeed, it’s usually time to give up.
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9. Talk to friends and family about new business or creative ideas.
You may feel compelled to hide your idea or creative concept. After all, you don’t want anyone to pick it up. On the other hand, sharing your concept is a great way to get feedback from others and improve your idea.
Moreover, most people lack the energy to steal others’ ideas. They are too busy with their own things.
If you are still afraid, limit yourself to telling people you know are trustworthy. Avoid people who have tried someone else’s ideas in the past.
10. Start a blog to share your thoughts.
You can be as detailed or as broad as you want in terms of how you convey your views in a blog. For example, you can blog about martial arts or about all the weird and amazing things you discover in life. It might just be a way to share your weird thoughts from day to day.
Blogs are a great way to share your thoughts with others. Through your writing, you can reach people you know as well as a larger audience.
Other types of social media to try are networking sites, microblogging sites (2), and video sites.
11. Make your suggestion to the appropriate authorities.
If you have an idea that could help your city, state, or nation, don’t hesitate to contact the appropriate authorities. Sometimes it only takes one person to make things happen.
For example, if you have an idea to improve traffic in your area, contact your local legislators or traffic department. You can email, write a letter, call, or come visit. Contact information for officials can be found on most government websites.
Contact your state representatives if you have any suggestions for simplifying voting. To make your suggestion, find the contact information on the government website and call, write, or visit them.
Some government websites even have sections dedicated to expressing your opinions.
12. Once you have developed an idea, contact the companies to get their feedback.
If you have suggestions for the company you use, let them know. Most organizations will appreciate customer feedback because they are always trying to improve customer service.
Check if the company has a feedback form on their website. Some stores also offer feedback forms.
You can also give a recommendation by calling the company’s hotline.
I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article about how to share your ideas with others. I sincerely hope its contents have been a good help to you.