How To Get a Life: 19 Awesome Strategies to Find Contentment

Today you’re going to learn how to get a life. 

Experiencing a sense of contentment in life can pose a challenge. With numerous responsibilities, professional commitments, technological advancements, and health concerns, it is effortless to lose sight of personal fulfillment.

However, if you find yourself dissatisfied with some areas of your life, you can dedicate yourself to making changes over the year that will lead to greater happiness and well-being. By focusing on physical, professional, recreational, and social goals, you can discover how to create a fulfilling life.

How To Get a Life:

1. The concept of “a life” is subjective and varies from person to person.

It is essential to reflect on your personal values and aspirations to define what a fulfilling life means to you. What are your goals in life? What brings you happiness and satisfaction?

Only by contemplating these questions can you begin to understand how to create a fulfilling life for yourself. Do not allow others to dictate what a meaningful life should be for you. While certain aspects, such as having a family, engaging in enjoyable activities, or pursuing a purposeful career, may be commonly viewed as significant, it is ultimately up to you to determine what matters most to you.

2. Maintaining a journal can have a positive impact on your well-being.

It provides a space to record your thoughts and feelings, whether they are troubling or exciting. Journaling can help you identify patterns in your life, both positive and negative, leading to greater self-awareness.

It has been known to reduce stress, clarify your emotions, and provide new perspectives on problem-solving. Finding a journaling method that works best for you is crucial, whether it’s through pen and paper or a digital platform. The most important thing is to express your thoughts and reflect on them.

3. Sharing your life experiences with others can provide you with valuable insights and help you gain a deeper understanding of your desires and needs.

Talking to others can offer a fresh perspective and reveal insights that you may have been blind to before. Seeking advice and guidance from trusted friends or family members can be helpful, but if you prefer professional help, consider scheduling an appointment with a counselor. Talk therapy can be an effective way to address underlying emotional issues and provide clarity to your thoughts, enabling you to sort through them.

4. To achieve a more fulfilling life, it can be helpful to break it down into domains, such as social, work, spiritual, family, leisure, health, community, and charity.

Take some time to reflect on each of these areas and assess whether you are content with them. Creating balance among these domains that are important to you is essential to getting a life. Remember the phrase “everything in moderation” and strive to reduce activities that are not done in moderation to achieve a more balanced life.

5. Identify areas in your life that need improvement and brainstorm ways to create more time for them.

For instance, if you feel like you are not doing enough for your community or taking care of your health, consider how you can create more time to improve in these domains. Compile a list of charities you are interested in supporting and start reaching out to them.

To enhance your physical health, review your budget to see if you can afford a gym membership or research local sports teams to join. If you are pressed for time, assess where you can cut back, starting with domains you believe are taking up too much of your time, such as work.

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6. It is essential to reassess your life every few months to determine whether the changes you have made have resulted in a more fulfilling life.

This can be done by reviewing your journal and reflecting on your progress. The key to determining whether the changes have been effective is to gauge whether you feel happier about your life. Remember that you are the one living your life, so it’s crucial not to be overly concerned about what others may think.

Making changes to your life can be challenging, so give yourself ample time to adjust. Try to focus on making small changes over the course of a year. By the end of the year, you should have a better understanding of what makes you happy and what aspects of your life still require improvement.

7. Learn to accept the fact that some things are beyond your control.

Life can throw unexpected challenges or situations that can cause stress and anxiety. However, instead of trying to manipulate these uncontrollable factors, focus on what you can control.

If you find yourself dwelling on things that are beyond your control, try this exercise: write down the issue on a piece of paper, place it in a box, and mentally let it go. This can help you to shift your focus towards what you can control, and enable you to work towards finding a solution or taking action.

8. Embrace the present moment and focus on what you can do today to make your life better.

It’s important to have goals and plans for the future, but it’s equally important to enjoy the present moment. Living in the future all the time can cause you to miss out on the beauty and joy of life.

To be more present, try to focus on one task at a time and avoid multitasking. Take breaks between tasks to reflect and give yourself some time to relax.

Set aside some time each day to be still and quiet, without distractions. Pay attention to your senses and appreciate the experience of eating by savoring each bite of your food.

9. Each week, challenge yourself to try something different.

You can find exciting things to do by checking out activity guides for your city or asking friends for suggestions. It is important to be open-minded and take a risk, whether you go alone or with someone else. Trying new things has several advantages, including facing the unknown and building courage, fighting off boredom, and gaining new experiences to help you grow.

10. Broaden your knowledge and skills by learning something new.

You can enroll in online or in-person classes, or watch free lectures on various topics. Many lifelong learning centers offer affordable opportunities to learn new skills, such as photography or social media.

You can explore websites like Coursera (1), or edX (2) to find classes or lectures that spark your interest. Learning new things can bring many benefits, such as expanding your horizons and enhancing your personal and professional growth.

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11. Ensure that you have two days every week reserved for yourself and your family by refraining from work during weekends.

Avoid making work on weekends a norm, and if possible, try to reduce the amount of time spent working so that you can allocate more time for other essential domains of your life.

Keep in mind that work can be like a gas that expands to fill up your available time, so it’s crucial to establish boundaries to prevent it from overtaking your personal time. Remember that work can always wait until the weekdays, as there will always be more work to be done.

12. When you arrive home, it’s a good idea to switch off all electronic devices, and encourage your family to do the same for a few hours each day, to create an opportunity for you to connect with them.

Research has shown that reducing the frequency of checking your email can increase your overall happiness. Hence, turning off your phone and spending quality time with your loved ones is an excellent way to improve your well-being.

13. Try taking a chance in your workplace by volunteering for new tasks or projects or putting in extra effort in your current ones.

This can make your job more enjoyable and meaningful. However, remember to maintain a balance in your life and carefully consider if the additional work time is worth the fulfillment you will get from it, especially if it may take away from other important areas of your life. Ultimately, you are the one who must decide.

14. Recall the reason why you work in the first place.

The majority of people work to be able to live a fulfilling life. If you find yourself working all the time and not having any time to spend with your loved ones or to do things that make you happy, then you need to make some changes.

Nevertheless, if your job provides you with a great sense of purpose and gives you the lifestyle you want, then working long hours might be acceptable. Ultimately, it is your perception of what is important in life that matters.

15. Engage in physical activity to improve your health and extend your lifespan.

Dedicate at least 30 minutes each day to exercising. Here are some ideas to help you incorporate exercise into your daily routine: Plan fun and exciting outdoor activities with your family.

On several occasions during the week or on weekends, engage in activities such as hiking, cycling, exploring the city on foot, or playing sports. Join a recreational sports league or hobby group. If you enjoy being part of a team, join a soccer, kickball, or basketball league.

These leagues schedule games after work and on weekends, and there are many options available in most cities and suburbs. Experiment with new workouts. If you typically go to the gym, try taking new fitness classes or go for walks or runs outside several days a week. Add variety to your routine.

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16. Walking in nature can provide a multitude of benefits for both your physical and mental health.

Studies have shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and increase feelings of awe and wonder. So, make it a priority to spend time in nature whenever you can, whether it’s a hike in the mountains, a stroll in the park, or a walk through a forest. Taking a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life to connect with nature can do wonders for your well-being.

17. Ensure to get enough sleep, ideally 8 hours a night, plus an hour to get ready in the morning and another hour to wake up.

This can result in feeling more relaxed and happier. Developing a consistent sleep routine can also help you fall asleep more easily each night.

Create a comfortable sleeping environment, with a dark and quiet room, to aid in getting quality sleep. Additionally, avoid consuming caffeine before bedtime to prevent difficulty falling asleep.

18. Give back to the community by volunteering for a charitable organization.

Dedicate your time to help those in need and connect with people who can benefit from your support. Research indicates that volunteering can enhance your well-being, increase empathy, and bring a sense of fulfillment to your life.

You can explore various options to find a charity that aligns with your interests and values. Check online directories, reach out to your local community, or browse through your local newspapers to identify volunteer opportunities.

19. Make an effort to strengthen your relationships and support system.

Dedicate at least one hour each week to spend time with the important people in your life without any work-related distractions. This can boost your mental well-being and reduce stress, as social support is crucial for maintaining good health.

Here’s a summary of how to get a life:

  1. Learn something new – take a class or watch free lectures online.
  2. Balance work and personal life – don’t work on weekends and turn off electronic devices when you get home.
  3. Take risks at work, but remember to maintain balance in life.
  4. Remember the purpose of work – to be able to enjoy life.
  5. Exercise regularly – plan outdoor activities, join a sports league, or try new workouts.
  6. Spend time in nature – it can bring feelings of awe and wonder.
  7. Get enough sleep – create a dark and noise-free environment, and avoid caffeine before sleep.
  8. Volunteer for a charity – it can make you happier, improve empathy, and fulfill your life.
  9. Build relationships and support systems – interact with important people at least an hour per week without distractions.

By following these tips, one can lead a more balanced, fulfilling, and enjoyable life.

Przemkas Mosky
Przemkas Mosky started Perfect 24 Hours in 2017. He is a Personal Productivity Specialist, blogger and entrepreneur. He also works as a coach assisting people to increase their motivation, social skills or leadership abilities. Read more here