In today’s article you’re going to learn everything you need to know about how to find inner peace.
It seems like life these days moves at a blisteringly fast pace and can be hard to know if you’re coming or going with all the responsibilities you have to juggle in your daily life. With more people suffering from working longer hours, sleeping less, depression and high stress levels it’s not surprising that people are looking for ways to help them cope with the daily stresses of life.
By following the tips outlined you will be able to achieve inner peace and be able to better cope with these issues.
How To Find Inner Peace
1. Find time for yourself.
A great tip to deal with the stress of daily life is making sure to take time out just for you. Unfortunately in life no one else is going to give you time off for yourself, this is something you will have make time for out of your daily schedule.
One way to do this might be getting up a bit earlier so that you have time to sit without distractions, enjoy a cup of coffee, a quiet read of a book without being interrupted or whichever activity you don’t normally get to participate in because the daily pressures keep you from it.
Turn all phones and communication devices off during this time so you won’t be disturbed. A separate room where you can close the door is advisable as well. The activities you engage in should be connected to you and you alone meaning not family or work activities. This alone time is the key to reconnecting with your inner self and taking a break from stresses that the day will throw at you so use it wisely.
2. Smile more.
When you smile it has an amazing effect on your well-being. Psychologists have done studies that show even when you are in your worst moods, forcing yourself to smile can improve your mood. Smiling causes your stress levels start to drop, it boosts your immune system, lowers blood pressure and tells the body to release endorphins and serotonin, both which will help boost your mood.
It’s been shown that people who smile more also get promoted more as they are seen as confident and trustworthy which is a great reason to start smiling more especially around the office. Smiling is also contagious so if you smile at someone you’re very likely to get a smile back which brightens both of your days so a smile is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
3. Learn to let go.
In life everybody makes mistakes or says the wrong thing at the wrong time. Let these things that happened in the past stay in the past. Learn from your mistakes but if it is in the past then realize there isn’t any benefit to worrying and stressing over the event that happened and that it’s time to move onto bigger and better things.
Live in the present not the past. Concentrate on the good things you have going on in your life and build on that. Your future remains unwritten so don’t let your past hold you back. Learn from your mistakes and move on with your head held high and create a great future for yourself.
4. Explore nature.
Nature has created an amazing playground for you to explore. Shake off your fluorescent tan caused by sitting in an office building and get outside for a walk and some fresh air. No matter the season, outdoor activity will take your mind off of the stresses that you may be feeling.
Walking in parks and forests is a great opportunity to unwind tense muscles, to recapture some of the wonder we felt in our childhood and rediscover the natural beauty that the world has to offer.
Spending time outdoors offers us several major benefits, beginning with the psychological ones: it releases the tensions built up during the working week, it prevents and reduces stress, it paves the way to spiritual reconnection and growth, and it even taps into our creative side by allowing us to enter a contemplative mind state and disengage our mind from any stress that we may be feeling.
Whether it’s just a stroll through the park for a breath of fresh air or go hiking in the mountains, outdoor activities act as catalysts for a better and healthier body. Outdoor activity improves our cardiovascular and muscular fitness, boost our immune systems.
Exposure to sunlight promotes vitamin D synthesis – essential for the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous. During your lunch time, instead of sitting at your desk take a quick walk around the block to clear your mind and stretch your legs.
5. Turn off the TV.
While TV is rated as the number one preferred activity of all time it also junk food for the mind. The problem is there is no physical or mental effort involved in watching TV and your body enters a vegetative zombie like state while you gaze lifelessly at the screen. It normally gets turned on the minute we get home from work to the minute we go to bed. This wastes time that could have been better spent.
Studies on the effects of TV have shown that it affects our sleep patterns as well. How many times have you been watching TV only to think you wish you had gone to bed an hour ago? Staying up late past when you should go to bed is a common ailment and contributes heavily to sleep deprivation in teens and adults. If you are going to watch TV do it for a short amount of time and turn it off a few hours before you need to sleep.
You could try leaving your TV off for a few nights and use that time to work on other projects and you’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish with your time instead.
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6. Watch out for the blue light.
Both TV and computer monitor give off blue light which has been shown to inhibit the production of melatonin which signals time of day in humans. Staring at the TV or computer screen at night will fool your brain into thinking it’s still daylight and you will end up staying up longer than you actually should. This is why late at night you probably feel wide awake when you know you should be tired.
How many times have you come home from work and felt extremely tired only to watch TV all night and when it’s bed time you suddenly feel wide awake. It is healthier for your sleep patterns if you turn off the TV and computer well before you need to go to bed, if you do, you will have a much easier time of going to sleep.
7. Eat a balanced diet.
Eating a balanced diet helps us feel better and live longer. It is very easy and common to munch on junk food all day long but there isn’t much benefit for your body. You will most likely feel tired and sluggish all day long if you are not fuelling your body properly. If you start eating healthily you will find that it will help your mood stabilize, you will have a lot more energy and be able to better concentrate on tasks.
A few simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can have a great effect on your well-being. Eat 3 basic meals per day (1), drink at least 2l of water or liquids daily, include in your diet as many vegetables and fruits as possible, reduce your sugar and salt intake, and choose healthy carbs and whole grain products. There are many books on nutrition and healthy eating, make sure to investigate some of these to find a method of healthy eating that appeals to you.
8. Stop the negative self-criticism.
It can play like a broken record in our minds that no matter what we do it won’t be good enough. A lot of people tend to concentrate on the negative aspects of any interaction or task instead concentrating on the good points. If you find you spend your time concentrating on negative things in your life constantly you need to change that.
It becomes harmful to your well-being, sense of self-esteem and confidence. You need to reprogram that little voice in your head to start concentrating on the positive things that happen to you and eventually all you will see is the positives in any situation.
This will take time to learn, in the beginning you will really have to work on it. Negative thinking makes you doubt your own capabilities and decision making process to the point that you are afraid to make any choices and your life won’t reach the fullest potential.
You need to break the cycle of being overly critical of yourself and accept that everyone is going to make mistakes from time to time and no one is perfect.
9. Adopt a positive outlook on life.
It’s said that there is nothing neither bad nor good in life but it’s all in how we interpret it. By adopting a positive outlook on life in general and the situations we encounter, we will become happier and more content with ourselves. If you only concentrate on negative aspects of life you will end up missing out on lots of happy times in your life.
One good reason you should adopt a positive outlook is that happy people have been shown to have better health, tend to live longer, less depression, resistance to the common cold, better sense of well-being and handle stressful situations better. So if you find that you normally concentrate on the negative aspect of things it’s time to start concentrating on the positive things in your life.
10. Replace fear with curiosity.
Have you ever thought to yourself that you would rather do something different than the current job you are in or try a new activity but fear of failure or the unknown has kept you from it? Now is the time to change that fear into curiosity. Instead of letting the fear keep you in a job you don’t like, you should start checking employment boards to see if there is another job that sounds more interesting.
Once you have found a new job or career that excites you, you can then start investigating what it would take in terms of skills and education to fill that role. Just by being unafraid to explore new things you may be able to find an exciting career choice that you are already skilled for and have never known it.
Never get locked into thinking that it will be too hard to start something new. It all starts with just a little curiosity to determine what that new thing is all about. Giving into fear keeps so many people from reaching their full potential.
Don’t be one of those people. There are plenty of people even after retirement age that start their own businesses or take up a hobby they never expected so don’t wait another day to become the person you were meant to be. It just takes a little investigation on your part and taking that first step towards it.
11. Learn something new every day.
Lifelong learning is a prerequisite to having a successful professional career and uninhibited personal development. The more you learn the more confident you will feel and the easier you will be able to adapt to new situations.
It will also have the added value that people will consider you to be very knowledgeable which will raise your social status. By becoming the go to person for knowledge will get you recognized by your employers which can only help when it comes to promotion time.
Learning something new every day has been shown to help minimize the effects of disease such as dementia and Alzheimer’s. Learn a new language, read classic literature, teach yourself to do tasks with your opposite hand and be on your way to a happier personal and professional life.
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12. Surround yourself with friends.
Having friends you can turn to when you need support can have a very calming influence on your life and bring you the inner peace you desire. Life is much harder when you have to go it alone. A friend is someone we share common interests with, a significant background and most importantly, with whom we can talk about life values and experiences knowing that that they will understand and support us no matter what.
In many ways, true friendship is similar with unconditional love and everything that comes with it: tolerance, acceptance and empathy. It is of great personal relief to know that we can turn to our friends for advice and help when we need to, being able to trust someone to such an extent, can make us feel secured and loved.
13. Do something for others.
Too often we underestimate the effect that our actions can have on the lives of the others, whether it’s family, friends or someone we’ve only just met. Hinduism has a belief that every action has an equal reaction and this is known as karma (2). If you do good things for others then good things will happen in return for you.
So next time you see someone in need of help, direction or just a kind word, approach them and offer them some of your time and kindness. Your intervention and interaction can have an unimaginable effect on that person’s life and your own inner peace.
14. Don’t bottle things up.
There are many reasons why people avoid saying things they think or feel, but this approach can lead to misunderstandings or arguments down the road. This only brings about more pain and dishonesty. Sometimes if you speak your mind you can prevent a small problem from becoming a much larger one in the future. We need to learn how to be truthful to ourselves, without fearing what the others might think about us or that they will not understand us.
Concealing your true emotions for too long can have devastating results on your professional, social and personal life, but most of all it can take its toll on your health. It can lead to increased stress and frustration, depression, high blood pressure, sleepless nights and a general negative attitude towards others.
Specifically, bottling things up provokes a subtle, yet core change in your personality so that you might start snapping at people with no apparent reason or ultimately “explode” in a repressed fury.
In addition you may attempt to deal with the pain and anguish you feel by turning to drugs, alcohol or cigarettes as a way of escaping your anguish but this can do untold damage to your physical and mental well-being. Speak your mind when it is necessary as you will only have your own peace of mind to gain from doing so.
15. You are allowed to say no.
Have you ever felt that you take on too much in your life from other people? Learning to say no before you get overwhelmed is a key factor to achieving peace of mind. A lot of people such as workmates, bosses and family members will try to put tasks on you they don’t want to do themselves.
This scenario plays out every day to most of us. You need to be able to set boundaries and say no to these people before you become overwhelmed with their tasks and your own.
A good way to handle it is to say no firmly and then offer them an alternative solution that doesn’t involve you doing it. Taking on their tasks when you have plenty of your own will only complicate your schedule and make the other projects you’re working on suffer.
It’s far better to have a work load you can actually manage and do well, then take on more than you can handle and all your work suffers. Nobody will ever hate you for saying no to them and will probably respect you more for setting boundaries with them.
16. Avoid and reduce negative influences in your life.
Many of us have toxic friends that constantly make you feel bad about yourself. Sometimes they are hard to spot but the next time you are out with someone if for some reason you feel bad or ashamed they may be a toxic friend and should be avoided. They may subtly insult you or make snide and demeaning comments towards you or in front of friends.
Make sure you keep an eye out for people like this as they can rob you of that inner peace you desire. This isn’t to say there isn’t room for jokes and gentle ribbing between friends but if it starts to make you feel bad then you need to step back and revaluate your relationship with this person.
You have a right to live in a stress free environment but you are going to have to create this for yourself by choosing to only hang around with people who believe in you and make you feel secure and comfortable with yourself.
17. Indulge in meditation.
Meditation can work wonders for keeping you healthy, focused, and mentally alert throughout the day. It only takes a few minutes a day to reap the benefits of mediation. Throughout the day whenever you need a break just take a couple of minutes to sit quietly, relax, take a couple of deep breaths.
You will be surprised how alert you will feel after these mini breaks. Use the time reflect on any issues or problems you may be facing and you will be surprised at how often you will be able to resolve them just by taking a few minutes to quietly reflect on them. With practise you will be able to relax your body and mind quickly and be on your way to achieving the inner peace you desire.
I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article about how to find inner peace. I sincerely hope its contents have been a good help to you.