In today’s article you’re going to learn everything you need to know about how to deal with difficult customers.
Dealing with irate customers day in and day out, and beginning to lose your mind? Try some of these ways to defuse a situation involving difficult customers.
How To Deal With Difficult Customers:
1. Learn the art of listening
If you’re a new frontline staff who must deal with all sorts of customers every single day, the first thing you should develop is your listening skill.
Most customers can tell if you’re feigning interest to an issue being brought up. Listen and show sincerity and offer to remedy the customer’s complaint or problem.
2. Avoid over apologizing
One sure way customers may get really annoyed is hearing the words “sorry” over and over again.
If that is all you can say instead of inquiring about details and offering a solution, you will likely irritate the customer who has approached or called you up.
3. Show empathy
Your attitude and your voice will reflect empathy, so be conscious of how you are relating with and speaking to customers, particularly difficult ones.
Beyond agreeing to or accepting what the customer wants, empathizing shows understanding of the predicament or problem. Respond in a genuinely helpful and sincere manner.
4. Allow the customer to vent
It’s important to let the customer vent disappointments and complaints. Don’t interrupt.
Instead, gather as much details as you can and ask questions only after the customer is finished in lamenting or recounting the situation.
SEE ALSO: How to Deal with Difficult People In Your Life: 10 Amazing Strategies
5. Identify what went wrong
Avoid pinpointing the blame whether on your company, or worse, on the customer. Hear out the customer to thresh out what went wrong.
By knowing the full details, you can then think about reasonable steps to rectify the situation.
6. Stay calm
When a customer cannot be appeased (and makes an angry tirade) even after hearing out the complaints and after suggestions to remedy the situation have been offered, and after an apology for the inconvenience has been expressed, the only thing you can do is to stay calm and composed.
Avoid shouting or snapping back at customers, which will just escalate the conflict.
7. Show the customer some importance
Showing the customer how important he/she is can be done not only by listening well and not interrupting or arguing, but by offering workable remedies.
Take the opportunity to show excellent service (1). If a defective product is the customer’s main complaint, offer something free
8. Validate the complaint
Remove the notion that most customers’ issues are unfounded.
Get the full details, including the customer’s name, contact numbers, and address, along with the subject of complaint, and make sure that correspondence is promptly sent if you promise to do so, as soon as possible.
9. Offer concrete solutions
Customers want action. If you tell them you will get in touch with them to give feedback on the matter, and fail to empathize, you may lose them.
Offer concrete solutions and act on them.
10. Practice your problem-solving skills
Customers normally seek assistance because they did not get the service or product quality they know they deserve.
Show accountability.
Instead of explaining the company policy and disagreeing with the customer, take responsibility to remedy the situation/problem. Contact the persons directly in charge to address the issue brought forth.
SEE ALSO: 15 Deceptive Things You Should Give Up To Move Forward
11. Show kindness
You can defuse a situation with a hostile customer by showing kindness and understanding. The right choice of words and tone of voice can have a huge impact.
By communicating well and showing kindness, you can win over even the most difficult customers.
12. Avoid sparring with the customer
There are difficult customers who make reasonable requests, and others who tend to be rude and demanding.
Whichever type you encounter, restrain yourself and avoid verbal sparring. Be patient and avoid using a condescending tone and demeanor.
13. Follow through
After offering remedies to a customer’s complaint, don’t forget to follow through.
After you’ve sent a promotional item or replaced a product, send a letter or have a customer service officer call up the customer to check if he/she received the sent item.
Don’t forget to thank the customer for availing of your company’s product or service (2).
14. Create rapport
Building rapport may not happen overnight, but don’t overlook the simple things like kind words, empathy, and other customer-oriented approaches to get on the customer’s side.
15. Show genuine interest in the customer’s needs
After listening and working out a mutually acceptable solution, show genuine interest in the customer – offer ways you can be of help and ascertain other needs or requirements that have not been met.
Thank you for reading this article about how to deal with difficult customers and I really hope that you take action my advice.
I wish you good luck and I hope its contents have been a good help to you.