Today you’re going to learn how complaining affects the brain.
Complaints have a negative impact on human health. Find out what happens to your body and psyche when you are the author or witness of a permanent complaint.
I know that life is full of stressful moments, events that cause tension in us. Our daily challenges become the source of many negative emotions, which later torment us mercilessly. We get angry about traffic jams on the road, or that a neighbour mows grass in the garden too early or too late. We don’t like the way we look, we can’t cope with the pressure of time. In addition, around only eternal problems and rivalry, both in the family and in the workplace.
Our most common reaction to the hardships of life is to complain. Unfortunately, we are often among people who regularly complain and we do it ourselves. We complain so much that we even conducted research on this unpleasant inclination. We usually start complaining at the age of 30. And worse, we systematically practice this behavior and, as a result, we get used to the eternal grumbling. We like to complain because it makes it easier for us to establish or maintain interpersonal relationships. But know that complaining is very damaging to our health. That’s why today I’m going to explain why whining is dangerous for us.
How complaining affects the brain
Continuous complaining about one’s fate increases stress.
It’s true! When we complain, we relive what has happened to us. Such a feeling is similar to a state of excessive excitement. We get excited, which increases the level of stress. If we do this regularly, then this chronic stress can have a negative impact on our health.
Complaining can lead to self-loathing.
If something has upset you, don’t worry. You may subconsciously look for a way to lower this pressure and eventually resort to complaining. This is not the way to go. When complaining does not lead to any change in your life, then you are tormented only by this negative attitude to the world. In addition, you humiliate yourself and over time this can turn into self-loathing. It is good to know moderation in complaining. It is better if you focus on improving your situation, create a recovery plan that will lead you to a better mood. It is a waste of life for eternal resentment.
The harmful effect of complaining on human health, even physical health!
Regular complaining makes your body tired because it is in constant tension. Nobody could stand it. Such a chronic state of awakening is a short way to numerous health problems. Usually it starts with migraine and ends with insomnia. Giving up complaining will not solve all life’s problems, but it will certainly protect you from others. Take care of what is most valuable, which is your own health!
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Complaining is hard to bear, especially for you.
Don’t you feel an inner breakdown caused by your constant complaining? How are you holding up in this situation? Unfortunately, self-pity affects your posture. You walk with your head down, you avoid eye contact, you see people turning away from you. As a result, you have new reasons for complaining, such as feeling unwell and annoying loneliness. It is not worth to get so tired.
You increase the sense of meaninglessness.
You have a negative attitude towards your environment and yourself. You stop believing in the meaning of life and any action. You take a passive attitude or even become apathetic. You fall into a vicious circle of ragged nerves and hopelessness. Negative thoughts take control over your mind. Once you start bad thoughts, the body reacts to them automatically, and this causes another dose of harmful thoughts. Don’t let it happen!
Don’t add fuel to the fire.
Complaining can only make the situation worse. If your loved ones are constantly listening to your lamentation, they’re finally getting irritated. You may need the help of someone you trust, but you don’t tell them. A friend moves away because he can’t stand the constant pouring out of grief. As a result, this reaction can only increase the stress, instead of bringing the expected relief. Few people will know that you are looking for support. When something is bothering you, simply tell your soul mate. Let it be a simple, calm message. You will see how it will be received.
Dangerous impact of complaints on human health: contributes to anxiety and depression.
When most of the time you concentrate on your worries, you can get depressed. Complaining is also a simple way to get anxiety disorders. When your view of life is only negative, you experience increased sadness, depression, discouragement, frustration or fear. Depression is a very serious illness. So if you have the opportunity to prevent the development of such a dangerous condition, do so. Protect your mental health.
Complaining is a bad way to deal with problems.
Everyone sometimes moans when we don’t like something. This is perfectly normal. It’s worse if this practice gets into your blood for good and becomes a pattern. Such a mechanism of coping with problems is dangerous for the psyche. This is a very unhealthy habit, which needs to be removed as soon as possible.
Complaining gives a false impression of being in control of the situation. When something unfavourable happens, some people feel that they have already been prepared for this disappointment. This is not the way to go! It turns out that man still feels this regret, and no previous disappointment has changed that.
Complaining is ruining the brain!
According to research conducted at the Stanford Institute, complaining affects the secretion of stress hormone. This in turn damages the nerve connections in the brain. In addition, such a bad habit disturbs the ability to solve problems and cognitive functions. The most vulnerable area of the brain is the hippocampus, which is mainly responsible for memory. Damage to this part of the brain disturbs the thinking process. Did you know that the hippocampus is being destroyed by Alzheimer’s? Regular complaining is comparable to passive inhalation of cigarette smoke. This applies to both those who complain and those who need to listen to it.
The deadly effect of complaining on human health.
Is there any instruction for complaining at all? It is! You can sometimes moan or complain about something that annoys you. It is important to do this with your head. There is something like an instrumental complaint to solve a problem. It should not be confused with the notorious rolling of factors that annoy us.
Imagine that your partner is wasting your common money. You feel perfectly well how the blood awakens in you, just thinking about the next thoughtlessly purchased things. You start to complain about such behavior of your partner. When you focus on the impact of such behavior on your home budget or relationships in general, it is an instrumental complaining. What is more, it aims to develop a method for change that needs to be implemented in order not to go bankrupt.
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A cheerful people doesn’t complain!
Happy people whine less often. In addition, they are more prudent and strategic in their pursuit of their goals. How should one complain? First of all, do it as rarely as possible, only when you feel that it will change something. Don’t let complaining affect your well-being. Beware of people who complain without moderation. Unfortunately, complaining is contagious, especially when you are surrounded by toxic people. First plan a strategy to solve the problem. There will always be time for complaining.
Thank you for reading this article about how complaining affects the brain and I really hope that you take action my advice. I wish you good luck and I hope its contents have been a good help to you.