What Skills Are Employers Looking For? 10 Skills Employers Want Most

This new article will show you everything you need to know about what skills are employers looking for.

The job market is evolving and it is highly important for you to understand what companies are seeking for regarding professional skills and be able to stand out from the crowd of other job seekers with your skills.

Each unique position has a specific skillset; therefore, you must be willing to go out of your way to ensure that you possess the professional skills that will make you employable in today’s job market.

Marketing is an ever-evolving aspect of any business, all thanks to the advent of technology. The changes are dynamic and require dynamic professionals to fit in with today’s job market, so you need to keep up and update your professional skills as well.

Hiring managers and prospective employers always have a specific skill set for job openings and if you don’t have what they want, your chances of getting a good job is slim to none.

Read on as we take a look at the ten professional skills employers are looking for in today’s job market.

What Skills Are Employers Looking For?

#1 Computer And Technical Skills

There is almost no job in the market today that does not require at least a working knowledge or competency in the use of information technology equipment and software.

However, many job candidates do not remember to include this section in their resumes.

You need to insert a ‘System Proficiencies’ or ‘Technical Skills’ section in your resume if the post you are vying for requires computer skills.

Of course, if the job position you are applying for is tech related such as Java, SQL, .NET or Linux, etc. then include these in your resume as well.

#2 Problem Solving and Creativity Skills

Unforeseen circumstances always crop up in any workplace which is why plans are not foolproof. However, employers are on the lookout for individuals who can proffer solutions quickly in case things go off track.

They also place a lot of value on creativity (the most underrated soft skill, yet highly valuable) as well as the ability to procure workable answers that have eluded every other person.

Being resourceful is a virtue that employers are sorely in need of, and if you can solve problems on the go, then you are on your way to the top.

#3 Leadership/Management Skills

There is an unending debate about whether leadership is an inborn trait or something that needs to be learned.

Nevertheless, the ability to take charge and manage your co-workers is an essential skill that you should master.

You can highlight this skill by mentioning it in your cover letter or resume as being a leader who is goal-driven and can maintain a productive climate.

Leadership/ management skills also entail being able to mobilize, motivate, and coach other employees so that high-performance standards can be met within a short time frame.

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#4 Adaptive thinking/Flexibility Skills

Some employees are sticklers when it comes to performing their duties. However, as mentioned earlier, few things go as perfectly planned as several factors can derail plans.

Employers need people who are quick to adapt to sudden changes and flexible enough to change positions without batting their eyelids when new information or data are presented for necessary changes to be made.

Today’s rapidly evolving and tech-driven work environment makes this important skill a necessity for job candidates who want to stay relevant in their chosen field.

#5 Teamwork Skills

If you have worked for a large organization in the past, chances are that you were part of a team assigned to carry out tasks.

Possessing teamplayerskillsis very essential!

Do you work well with other members of the team and complete delegated tasks on time? Do you offer help to other team members so that they can quickly complete tasks assigned to them as well? Are you an asset to any team that you work with cannot do without?

These and many more are important in keeping team spirit alive. When you work as a team you tend to achieve more and this makes this particular skill a key ingredient in the job market for professionals.

#6 Organizational Skills

One of the highly effective professional skills you must have which employers are always on the lookout for is organizational skills.

You need to know how to plan and effectively implement projects as well as general tasks for yourself and others.

No employer likes a disorganized or jumbled employee, as it is a waste of money and time.

This means that if you have issues organizing and planning then you need to make conscious effort to improve and arm yourself with this skill.

#7 Communication Skills

Communication is not all about speaking a language clearly; it’s about portraying active listening as well as excellent presentation and writing competencies.

This skill is highly sought-after as it is not everyone that can describe technical concepts in a simple manner to customers, partners or coworkers who are not tech-savvy.

People often struggle when it comes to effective communication, and this has the potential of slowing down business in a world where speed is of the essence.

#8 Research Skills

Do you know how to go the extra mile to get that information no else has the patience or skill to find? Then you are in luck because this is yet another skill that is indispensible.

Employers are always searching for individuals who are skilled at evaluating situations and seeking multiple points of view.

They also need employees who can find and collate harder-to-locate and in-depth information at all times.

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#9 Critical Thinking

This involves the ability to use experience, reasoning, imagination, research as well as resources that are available to figure out an issue and come up with a solid decision.

You can mention or highlight this skill during an interview by citing an instance or two of a period in your former workplace where the company got enmeshed in a sticky situation, and how your critical thinking skills helped to resolve it.

You can also highlight this skill in your cover letter, and this could open the way for you to be granted an interview.

#10 Emotional Intelligence

This is a skill that is usually not listed in most job descriptions. But it is a skill that is in high demand as it conveys your ability not only to identify your emotions and that of others but to manage them efficiently as well.

If you have the ability or skill to talk a co-worker having a bad day into staying on top of their duties, then congratulations! You will be considered as someone with a high emotional intelligence, and potential employers will love to work with you.

These professional skills are critical tools that will continue to make you relevant in your industry. Do not ignore the need or importance of updating yourself with pertinent information and skillset by keeping abreast of emerging trends and technologies.

If you have not added any new skill to your resume in recent time, then you might want to re-evaluate and make-up for the loopholes. Remember that professionals are dynamic and ever evolving, so you need to evolve too!

Thank you for reading this article about what skills are employers looking for and I really hope that you take action my advice. I wish you good luck and I hope its contents have been a good help to you.

Przemkas Mosky
Przemkas Mosky started Perfect 24 Hours in 2017. He is a Personal Productivity Specialist, blogger and entrepreneur. He also works as a coach assisting people to increase their motivation, social skills or leadership abilities. Read more here