How To Speak Up With Confidence: 17 Effective Strategies

If you want to know how to speak up with confidence, you’ll love this article.

There are several techniques to overcome shyness and learn to speak with confidence. Don’t worry if a lack of confidence is holding you back! Take a deep breath and try not to be afraid. For starters, it is helpful to know what you are talking about.

Preparation and careful listening can help you gain confidence when talking to a friend, raising your hand in class, or interviewing for a job. Don’t be too hard on yourself, but take small steps and be patient. Over time, expressing yourself in any situation will become easier and easier.

How To Speak Up With Confidence:

1. Prepare by doing your homework.

You’ll feel more confident if you read the relevant reading or familiarize yourself with the company’s offerings. If you know what you’re talking about, you may be less afraid of getting lost.

If you’re having trouble engaging in the class, read the chapter you’re assigned carefully and jot down any comments. Try to anticipate what you will talk about in class. For example, the instructor may ask about conflict or characters in a short story.

2. Try to outline what you want to say.

Remember, you don’t want to recite your notes verbatim without taking your eyes off your notebook. Instead, use your notes to keep you organized and on track whenever your mind starts to wander.

For example, when reading an assignment, think about what questions you might ask in class. Make a note of anything that puzzles you or what insights you have. Write them down in a notebook, then imagine raising your hand and speaking clearly and firmly.

Write down some thoughts or concerns you want to bring up before a meeting at work. You might note a new marketing concept or that you think salespeople should learn more about how the things they sell are made.

3. Look for opportunities to speak at the beginning of the meeting.

Make every effort to present your arguments within the first 10-15 minutes. At the beginning, meetings are more planned and proceed at a slower pace. As time goes on, the pace will definitely pick up and individuals will begin to speak out of turn or interrupt each other.

If you want to speak, talk about it, but don’t shout. Remember that planning ahead can give you the courage to speak up in a fast-paced, loud discussion.

Express your opinion or start with the words: “I would like to clarify this point,” “While we’re on the subject,” or “If I may.” Raising your hand or making some kind of gesture can also help you get attention quickly.

4. Pay attention and listen when others speak.

If you want to speak with more confidence, you must actively listen to others. Pay attention to the speaker during chats, meetings, or lectures. Instead of fantasizing or imagining how you would respond, analyze the words and try to grasp their meaning.

Listening to what other people say in a group can inspire you to speak more.

You may think you spend all your time listening and never get a chance to speak up. Just try to pay attention and do your best to discover ways to express yourself.

5. Put your work or education ahead of other people’s feelings.

You may feel that voicing your concerns or pointing out a mistake would hurt someone’s emotions. You don’t want to be rude or accusatory, but you also shouldn’t remain silent for fear of upsetting someone.

You may have found a mistake in a plan at work, but you don’t want to talk about it for fear of embarrassing the person who created it. You can address the issue discreetly without confronting the person in front of the entire department.

If you must raise the issue, be open and honest, but be careful not to appear too pushy. For example, “I believe we need to reconsider our quarterly requirements” sounds better than “These targets are just completely ridiculous.”

SEE ALSO: How To Be In Control Of Your Emotions: 28 Top Strategies

6. Talk to someone in private about sensitive topics.

Making harsh criticisms in public, whether you’re a boss or a high school student, is a terrible idea. If you want to solve a problem, admonish someone for inappropriate behavior, or discuss a private matter, meet with that person one-on-one.

Suppose you are a manager. Someone on your team is destroying team morale, and you are unsure of your ability to respond to the inappropriate behavior. Instead of reprimanding this person in front of your co-workers, take them aside and explain that you want to help them better fit into the company culture.

If you are a student and you feel the teacher is being unfair to you (1), do not confront him or her in class. Instead, seek an opportunity to speak with him or her one-on-one after class and state your objections in a polite manner.

7. Take a deep breath and control your emotions.

When someone misbehaves, criticizes you, or says something offensive, it can be hard to control your emotions. Take a moment to calm down when you see your face turning red. Take a deep breath, count to ten, and remind yourself that losing your temper is counterproductive.

If you need to speak up, it’s more effective to be honest and reasonable than to sob or yell.

8. Establish and maintain boundaries for those in your presence

You can not control what other people do or think, but you can set your own boundaries. If someone says something hurtful about you, another person, or your principles, make it clear that you will not accept such comments in your presence.

Try saying, “You are entitled to your opinions, but please don’t make offensive jokes in front of me.”

9. If someone is behaving unfairly, appeal to their ideals.

If you witness someone making fun of someone else or doing something wrong, tell them that they can afford to behave better. It’s worth noting that you may not be able to say this to a stranger, so it’s best if you already know the person.

Say something like, “I have always found you to be an honest and kind person.” The fact that you could offend someone in this way amazes me. “

10. Try to defend your opinions by using “I” statements.

If you call someone a racist or a bigot or use pejorative slurs to attack them, that person will build a wall around themselves. You will have more success if, instead of attacking the person personally, you speak out against their specific behavior. Furthermore, express yourself by saying: “Instead of accusatory statements like, ‘You did this,’ or ‘You’re so…,’ use ‘I feel’ or ‘I think.’

For example, you might say, “I don’t agree with that and would prefer that you not use that kind of language with me.” “I think that comment is racist and I would like to talk about something else right now.” -you might add.

If the interviewee insists or becomes aggressive, respond calmly: “I think we should both try to control our emotions.” We disagree on this issue, and arguing would be a waste of our time. “Let’s accept that we disagree and move on.”

11. End the conversation if it is no longer constructive or safe.

If the discussion has turned into an argument, it is time to end it. Try to remain calm and pleasant, but indicate that you are not interested in such a conversation.

If you have tried to change the subject but the interviewee refuses, say: “I think we should both take a breath and walk away.” I appreciate your right to your own point of view, but I don’t feel like arguing. “

SEE ALSO: How To Deal With Impossible Person: The Ultimate 27-Step Guide

12. Relax and control your breathing.

Don’t worry about mispronouncing a word, stuttering, or sounding stupid. Everyone gets nervous at some point, forgets information or uses the wrong word. Try not to be afraid; breathe softly and deeply; and think about something pleasant.

Concentrate on calmness, composure, and serenity. Close your eyes and repeat each phrase to yourself slowly and clearly. As you say each phrase, imagine yourself becoming calm, composed, and in control, and your fears dissipating.

13. Take small steps at first to gain confidence.

You won’t run a marathon if you’ve never run in your area. If you are shy or uncomfortable speaking, don’t expect to be able to speak in a packed auditorium overnight. Start by speaking in non-threatening circumstances.

For example, if something is wrong with your food at a restaurant (2), politely inform the waitress. Try talking to the person sitting next to you in class or making a brief remark at a business meeting.

14. Experiment with expressing yourself in calm situations.

Determine when and where you don’t feel anxious. For example, it is easier to express yourself in the presence of relatives or close friends. Practice expressing your views and opinions in their company, and then use these experiences to increase your confidence in more difficult situations.

Praise yourself every time you speak up in any situation. Remind yourself, “I made it and I made it!” It wasn’t all that scary. People are just people; I don’t have to be afraid to talk to them.

15. Demonstrate your confidence through your posture and body language.

By standing straight and tall, you let others know that you will not be trampled. When speaking, emphasize important phrases with hand motions. If possible, avoid fidgeting or leaning over; try to maintain natural eye contact; and nod your head properly when speaking.

Don’t lower your gaze or move your eyes restlessly, but don’t stare at someone involuntarily either. Look into the eyes or, if you wish, between the eyes or at the forehead.

16. Stop feeling guilty about having wants or needs.

Many people feel that they should not put their own needs ahead of the needs of others. However, you can stand up for yourself without being completely self-centered. 

For example, if you need extra help learning a subject in school, politely present your needs to the teacher. Inform him or her: “I understand that you are busy, but I would like to take a few minutes of your time.” I am a little confused about today’s lesson and would appreciate any clarification. “

17. Don’t be discouraged by failure.

Not every interview or speech will be successful, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not the end of the world if you mispronounce something, give the wrong fact, or get laughed at.

Treat failure as a learning experience. You are still alive and have learned something new. There will be many more opportunities to express yourself or make your point.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article about how to speak up with confidence. I sincerely hope its contents have been a good help to you.

Przemkas Mosky
Przemkas Mosky started Perfect 24 Hours in 2017. He is a Personal Productivity Specialist, blogger and entrepreneur. He also works as a coach assisting people to increase their motivation, social skills or leadership abilities. Read more here