This new article will show you everything you need to know about how to make studying easier.
Preparing for tests and exams can be overwhelming, but it’s important to remember that studying is not just about passing tests, but also about improving oneself. Giving yourself ample time to fully understand a subject will lead to a deeper understanding and long-term benefits. This guide will assist you in making the studying process easier.
How To Make Studying Easier:
1. Discover your preferred method of learning.
Different individuals have unique ways of absorbing and retaining information. Some may find visual aids helpful, while others may need to hear or speak the information to understand it. Some people may prefer to learn through hands-on activities or experimenting.
By identifying your own learning style, you can tailor your study methods to make them more effective. There are four general categories of learning styles: visual, auditory, kinesthetic and reading/writing preference.
Visual learners prefer to see illustrations to better understand a subject, auditory learners rely on hearing and speaking, kinesthetic learners prefer hands-on activities, and reading/writing preference learners require reading or writing the information multiple times to understand it.
2. Utilize visual aids to enhance learning.
If you are a visual learner, try using visual aids to understand the subject. Instead of reading a textbook, watch educational videos on the topic. Utilize graphic organizers and other visual aids such as charts and flow maps to help you grasp the information better.
3. Enhance learning through the use of auditory methods.
If you are an auditory learner, you may benefit from listening to the material. Instead of reading a textbook, purchase an audio version or read it aloud. Instead of writing notes, try recording them with a tape recorder and listening to them as you study. Other ways to enhance the auditory learning experience can be taping lectures, talking to others about the material, and taping your own reading or note-taking.
- Enhance learning through hands-on activities.
If you are a kinesthetic learner, you may benefit from hands-on activities to review information. Try coming up with creative ways to make the material interactive, such as creating flap books, role-playing as a teacher, or looking for other ways to make the information more tactile.
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4. Enhance learning through reading and writing.
If you are a reading or writing-preference learner, you may benefit from reading and writing the material. To ensure understanding, try rephrasing the information and writing it down.
5. Vary your learning methods occasionally.
It’s beneficial to vary your learning methods from time to time. Even if you identify as a certain type of learner, try incorporating techniques from other learning styles into your studies. This can help keep your learning interesting and provide a well-rounded approach. Being too rigid about sticking to one method can lead to boredom and missed opportunities for growth. Experiment with different methods that work best for you.
6. Select a peaceful location for studying.
Eliminating noise and distractions can improve focus and productivity while studying. However, some individuals may find that studying in a bustling environment, like a café or co-working space (1), works better for them. In this case, take advantage of this method and bring everything you need. When studying in public places, be mindful of your electronics.
7. Use music as a study aid.
Listening to music, particularly classical or instrumental music, may be beneficial for some individuals while studying. However, this method may not work for everyone and one’s preference for music may change from day to day. It’s important to not consider music as a constant requirement, as its effectiveness may vary.
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8. Include regular breaks when studying.
Set a schedule, such as studying for 15 minutes then taking a 5-minute break or studying for 30-55 minutes and taking a break. This habit will benefit both your body and mind by allowing you to stretch, move around, and change your surroundings for a short period.
9. Form a study group with individuals who have similar learning styles.
This can make studying more effective and efficient.
10. Create a memory aid for your studies.
To do this, start by reading the text and trying to understand it. If there are parts you don’t understand, pause and read them again.
Identify important or memorable words in the text, these will be your “keywords.” Write these keywords down on paper. Take the first letter of each keyword and write it down on the next line. Create a word or phrase out of these letters.
To make it more memorable, you can use words or phrases that are familiar to you such as a friend’s name or a joke that you and your friends find funny. This will help you to easily recall the important information in the text.
11. Incentivize studying by implementing a reward system.
Set specific goals for completing certain sections of material and reward yourself with something you enjoy, such as a break from studying, a movie night with a friend, or a small treat. Keep rewards realistic, attainable and small. Save larger rewards for completing all of your learning, including tests and exams.
+ Additional tips:
Create a dedicated, distraction-free study time (2). Eliminate distractions by putting your phone away and closing any unnecessary tabs on your computer. Make sure you are well-rested, have had a healthy meal, and have engaged in some mild physical activity before studying. Use thirty-minute intervals of focused study, with short breaks in between. Review and apply the material as you study by writing and answering questions, instead of just memorizing it. Make notes in bullet-point form that highlight the main points of the subject, and how they relate to the main topic.
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