How To Find Your Learning Style: The Complete 19-Step Guide

If you want to know how to find your learning style, you’ll love this article.

Everyone learns in their own unique way. Some people like to learn by listening, while others prefer to learn visually. Most people learn best when they use a variety of learning techniques.

If you are a student or simply want to expand your knowledge, determining your learning style can teach you how to improve your understanding of different subjects.

How To Find Your Learning Style:

1. Explore different learning styles.

Understanding the differences between different types of learning is essential to determining your own learning style. To learn more about this topic, you can find many books and websites. Ask a librarian at your local library about them. You can also consult with your school’s guidance counselor.

According to most people, the seven most common learning styles are visual, auditory, verbal, physical, logical, social, and solitary. 

2. Experiment with visual learning.

Once you’ve learned a bit, start experimenting with different learning techniques. It can be beneficial to try out different learning methods to see which one works best for you. You can start with visual learning, which involves learning using pictures and other visual aids.

Consider this if you depend on graphics to help you understand important concepts. For example, do you find the illustrations in a biology textbook more useful than the textual information?

Try incorporating additional images into the subject you are studying. If you are preparing for a history exam, make a chart on which you mark the most important topics. If you find this useful, it means you are a visual learner.

If you are a visual learner, you may find it easier to follow a map with marked points instead of written instructions.

3. Try your hand at auditory learning.

Auditory learning refers to learning through sound and music. If you’re not sure if this solution is right for you, take some time to incorporate sound into your learning session. For starters, you can see if reading selected passages from a textbook aloud or listening to an audiobook helps you focus and understand the content.

You may be an auditory learner if you need to hear something out loud to fully understand it. Try this: to see if listening to the content is beneficial to you, try repeating important points to a classmate.

Do you have the habit of talking while reading? This is a sign of learning by listening. Another sign that you are learning by listening is that you are easily irritated by pictures and the written word.

4. Learn by using words.

Words, both spoken and written, are more comfortable for verbal learners. If you are an avid reader, you are probably used to learning verbally. One of the most effective methods of consolidating knowledge is reading.

Consider whether you would rather listen to a lecture or a spoken presentation. Verbal learners generally dislike projects or group activities.

Do you make handouts when you study? This indicates that you enjoy learning through speech.

5. Assimilate knowledge through movement.

Another popular method of learning is kinesthetic learning. Kinesthetic learners rely on their hands, touch, and physical actions to learn. With this type of learning, movement is crucial to remembering knowledge.

If the thought of sitting through a lecture fills you with anxiety, physical exercise can help you learn more effectively. Do you tend to fidget a lot? Here’s another tip:

Try incorporating some movement into your daily routine to see if you are a physical learner. While reading, try standing up.

Use as many tangible objects as possible. Create a set of flashcards so you can physically skim through the information.

6. Look at logic.

Logical learning is another approach to learning that you can try. Puzzle solvers who like to use logic and systems to discover solutions are called logicians. People who excel at arithmetic are often logicians.

Try changing the way you think about things to see if you are a rational learner. Instead of looking at the whole picture, focus on individual parts of it.

One of the foundations of rational learning is making connections. You are probably a logical learner if it is in your nature to look for obvious connections between things.

SEE ALSO: How To Develop a Passion For Studying: (15-Step Guide)

7. Participate in group learning.

Some people learn better when they are involved with others. Social learners like to learn in groups or with at least one other person. If you enjoy working with others, you may be a social learner. Many social learners have siblings or grew up in homes with multiple people.

Is the opportunity to work on a collaborative project exciting to you? Do you hate learning in solitude? You are most likely a social learner.

Try forming a study group to see if social learning is right for you. Invite one or more of your classmates to discuss a topic with you after class.

Another sign that you are a social learner is that others often ask you for help with learning. People will notice that you enjoy talking about what you have learned.

8. Work on your ability to learn alone.

Learning alone is another popular learning technique. Solitary learners feel comfortable being left alone. This technique may appeal to you if you feel most comfortable working alone.

Do you enjoy delving into a topic and thinking about it? If so, that means you are a solitary learner (1).

Instead of trying to recall information, you prefer to sit down and think about every aspect of the material.

Solitary students often want to prepare ahead of time. They set individual goals in most areas of their lives.

9. Do a self-assessment.

Once you have tried several learning methods, you can take some time to determine which one is right for you. This is a quick and easy way to find out your learning style.

Many reliable websites provide online quizzes that use your answers to assess your learning style. Look for a reliable site and take multiple quizzes, as there are often different results. This may mean that you have different learning methods.

Avoid sites that seem to overtly advertise a product. Look for a site that specializes in learning tools.

Start the test. Be prepared to answer questions like, “What book would you like to read for pleasure?” or “How do you usually spend your time while waiting in line?”

Most tests are multiple-choice. They take between 5 and 20 minutes to complete.

There are no right or wrong answers, so keep that in mind. Everyone learns in their own unique way, and that’s okay.

10. Reflect on your experience.

The results of your self-assessment can help you determine which learning style (s) fits you best. However, you should take some time to reflect on your unique preferences. Consider what your most memorable learning experiences are.

You may well remember learning about the Civil War in elementary school. Was it because your teacher asked you to construct a model cannon? This may indicate that you are a physical learner.

Perhaps English was your favorite subject in high school. Were you influenced by the teacher’s reading of Shakespeare? Perhaps you are a verbal learner.

Combine your knowledge of yourself with the results of the self-assessment quizzes. This should give you some idea of your preferred method of learning.

11. Talk to your professor.

It may be beneficial to get additional information to assess your learning style. Talk to a current or former faculty member. Ask if the teacher has time to talk to you about your studies.

Prepare a list of questions you can ask. “A good example is to ask, ‘Do you have any particular observations about my learning style?

Did you notice any subjects or talents that I struggled with? “-you can also ask.

Ask the instructor about ways to improve learning. If possible, talk to multiple people.

12. Test everything you’ve learned.

Once you know your learning style, you can adjust your learning experiences to make learning faster and easier. For example, when learning a new subject, if you feel you are a visual learner, look for visuals and pictures. As you become more familiar with yourself, you’ll discover the ideal approach to obtaining and recalling information.

You may be struggling to understand a chapter in the biology textbook you are currently reading. If a text doesn’t make sense to you, look online for visuals. A diagram or graphic can help solidify the information.

If you learn by ear, you may find it difficult to excel in a mostly verbal subject such as English. Ask a friend to read parts of a book aloud to you.

You may be trying to learn a new skill. If you are a visual learner, don’t waste too much time trying to figure out how to do something from a written explanation. Instead, grab the tools and learn by doing. 

SEE ALSO: How To Learn Through Observation Instantly: 9-Step Guide

13. Improve learning skills.

Knowing your own learning style can help you learn better. You will learn faster if you choose a learning method that suits your brain. Organize your study sessions according to your preferred learning method.

Apart from solitary learners, it can be beneficial for different learning styles to form a group. Invite peers to work together at a specific time and place each week. You learn best with people who learn in a similar way to you.

Outside of school, social learners learn best in group situations. 

If you study alone, pick study times when you know you will be alone. If necessary, work out a schedule with roommates or family members to ensure you have the necessary time to study alone.

14. Use a variety of learning techniques.

Most people learn best when they use a variety of learning techniques. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different approaches to a single topic or lesson. Combining learning techniques can greatly accelerate learning.

Take notes in different ways. If a skill seems to be best remembered with words, simply reword the presentation. However, if a diagram helps you understand the material, don’t be afraid to sketch it in your notes.

If you learn verbally, you probably rely on words most of the time. Using a different style can sometimes be beneficial.

It can be more beneficial to use a variety of materials than to stick to one method of learning. When teaching, try to provide students with a variety of learning opportunities.

For example, group work and lectures can be used in the classroom, books can be given to students, films can be shown as homework, and reading can be done on the Internet. If a student has any questions, you can even offer them office hours.

15. Use all your senses.

Once you have discovered your learning style, you can begin to use all of your senses to expand your knowledge. For example, if you are an auditory learner, you will learn to respect your hearing. Instead of writing down information, try using a voice recorder to consolidate learning.

When students are physically active, they learn more effectively. While jogging, it is helpful to review a vocabulary list in your head.

When reading or writing, standing up can be beneficial. When students are not sitting still, they absorb more knowledge.

If you are a visual learner, try sketching a picture of the idea you want to grasp. You can also use sticky notes to post information around the house. It is important that you see the information often.

16. Recognize your strengths.

When you are trying to understand a new topic, look for the most efficient way to deliver information to your brain. Choose a technique that is appropriate for your learning style. Don’t be afraid to combine different techniques.

If you are studying alone, find a quiet place to study (2). You can go to the library or a less bustling coffee shop.

Experiment with stepping outside your comfort zone. Ask questions or compare notes with classmates to supplement your solitary study style.

It’s important to use your strengths, but it’s also a good idea to flex your mental muscles. It’s a good idea to change up your learning technique from time to time.

This is especially important if you want to learn well in a variety of settings, including a traditional classroom. Although many professors try to teach in different ways, it is important to be able to adapt to the situation in order to learn well in any situation.

17. Increase your learning efficiency.

Once you have identified your learning style, you will most likely notice a change in your mental capacity. It will take you less time to learn a new idea. You will also likely remember other facts better.

If you change your learning style, you will need to spend less time learning particular subjects. This does not mean that you will spend less time learning; rather, it means that you will be able to acquire more knowledge in less time.

18. Develop confidence.

You will be more confident if you feel freer to acquire new skills or knowledge. Students who are confident in their abilities learn faster and more effectively. You will be more motivated to learn new things.

Students who are confident are more likely to speak up and ask questions. This is a great way to expand your knowledge.

19. Improve your performance.

Knowing your learning type can also benefit you outside of school. Use your knowledge to perform better at work. You will increase your performance and be more valuable to your company.

You can learn visually. If you work in sales, you can track your performance with charts and graphs. It will be easier for you to identify trends and areas for improvement.

If you are not a visual learner, ask your supervisor if you can record your performance review if you are learning by ear. You can listen to the feedback again later to better absorb it.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my article about how to find your learning style. I sincerely hope its contents have been a good help to you.

Przemkas Mosky
Przemkas Mosky started Perfect 24 Hours in 2017. He is a Personal Productivity Specialist, blogger and entrepreneur. He also works as a coach assisting people to increase their motivation, social skills or leadership abilities. Read more here