How To Improve Your Job Performance: Top 17 Super Hacks 

Today you’re going to learn how to improve your job performance.

You may simply want to improve yourself to be the best employee you can be, or you may need to improve your performance at work to avoid losing your job. However, you may be wondering what you can do to increase your productivity and improve your job performance.

If you start making adjustments now, analyzing your performance and improving it over time, you can increase your productivity at work.

How To Improve Your Job Performance:

1. Put your workspace in order.

Being on time, where you’re supposed to be, and with the things you need is a big part of employee success. Getting organized will help you improve your performance at work.

Keep track of meetings and other key events with a calendar, schedule, planner, or other system. It’s a good idea to look at it often.

Use bins, folders, dividers, and other organizational items to keep your files, materials, and other things in order.

2. Enhance your time management abilities.

Missing deadlines, being late for meetings, or coming to work irregularly can have a negative impact on your performance at work. Therefore, improve your performance at work through better time management.

Each day, allocate enough time to get to work on schedule. Be prepared for traffic jams, accidents, lack of gasoline, and other factors that can cause you to be late.

Use timers, notifications, and alarms to remind yourself of time constraints, deadlines, and upcoming important events.

Consider how long it will take you to complete reports and other tasks while you are working on them. 

3. Establish timetables.

Setting deadlines for yourself will help you with time management and organization. Set yourself deadlines for tasks and jobs to increase your productivity at work.

Set yourself a deadline that is a day or two before the real deadline if the task has one.

This will give you enough time to make last-minute corrections and changes.

Set notifications and reminders for deadlines so you don’t forget about them.

4. Take charge of your emails and text messages.

Responding to every message as it comes in can not only cause you to lose focus, but also waste time. Instead, organize and prioritize your communications to increase your efficiency at work.

Set aside time each day to check your email and other messages. During this time, respond to important messages first and set aside the rest for later.

For example, you can check messages in the morning, after lunch, and at the end of the day.

You can respond to important messages first thing in the morning and to less urgent messages later in the day.

5. Learn how to interact with others effectively.

If others believe they can trust you and relate to you, you can increase your productivity at work. As a result, they will be more likely to support you in your attempts to increase your productivity.

Make acquaintances with people who are not in your immediate area. Having acquaintances in other sectors can be beneficial.

When you work in a team or group, be cooperative and reliable.

Take time to get to know the people you deal with on a personal level; show interest in them and be as helpful as possible. Building relationships with co-workers can help you advance your career, increase your job satisfaction, or even help you if you decide to change positions.

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6. Improve your active listening abilities.

Paying close attention to the intricacies of instructions, work orders, and updates can help you improve your work relationships and productivity. As a result, learn to focus on understanding and digesting what is being said.

During meetings and briefings, try to stay focused on the issue being discussed.

Make sure you understand everything by taking notes and asking questions.

If possible, remove any distractions so you can concentrate on listening. Turn off all electronic gadgets and focus solely on the speaker.

7. Work on improving your posture.

Sitting up straight is a simple way to increase your productivity. According to some studies, sitting at a desk with better posture can improve your mood (1) and heart rate.

Check every few minutes to make sure you’re not hunching over. If you do, sit up straight.

Relax your shoulders and keep your head straight.

8. Make an honest self-assessment.

Review your job description and responsibilities, then give yourself a rating in each category. Being honest with yourself about how you are doing will help you see what areas you need to improve in order to be more productive at work.

In each category, you can rate whether you “exceed expectations,” “meet expectations,” or “need improvement.”

Make a list of the strengths and limitations of each area. For example, you might say that you are great at creating reports but never finish them on time.

Consider enlisting the help of a career coach. A career coach can help you develop a development plan to help you become more productive at work. The specific steps will depend on how much individualized attention you need, but he or she may suggest that you start by reading books and listening to podcasts on productivity. If you need further help, she may suggest you attend training or coaching.

9. Request that your coworkers evaluate you.

Asking your co-workers how you are doing at work is one way to get information about how well you are doing. Their impressions of your work can help you see where you need to improve and where you are excelling.

You can ask them to write a few sentences on a sticky note describing your job performance and place it in an envelope on your desk for this purpose.

“Could you write a few sentences about my work here and put them in an envelope hanging outside my cubicle?” You can ask.

Or you can ask them to participate in a quick, anonymous online survey.

You can ask for a face-to-face comment if you feel comfortable with that. “Can you offer me some criticisms of my work?” you might ask.

10. Work with your supervisor to complete the evaluation.

This may be the most important piece of advice you will ever receive. It will let you know how well your boss thinks you are doing at work and how you can improve your performance. It will also give you insight into what your boss looks for in a good employee.

In most companies, employees are evaluated at certain times of the year. Contact your boss to find out when your next performance review is due.

How long after I start work will I be evaluated? ” When will we receive our evaluations? “When will we receive our evaluations?” you may be wondering.

You can always seek informal feedback from your boss about your job performance or about a specific task or project.

Could you meet with me about how I performed on my last report? ” You can ask your employer.

SEE ALSO: How To Be Efficient In The Workplace: 14 Top Strategies

11. Repair a poor performance evaluation.

Discuss the evaluation with your boss to see what impact it might have. Use this evaluation so that you can improve your job performance by revealing areas where your boss thinks you need to improve.

Ask your boss for specific examples of how you can improve your performance at work.

For example, “my evaluation says I need to strengthen my leadership skills. Can you give me some examples of how I can do that? “

Focus on the weakest aspects of your review. Although you want to grow, these are the areas you need to focus on to keep your job.

For example, if you received a negative review for your attendance, you should focus on improving it before you start working on your leadership skills.

12. Make a list of your strengths.

Taking a look at your strengths can help you become more productive at work, even as you focus on areas that need development. When you know what internal resources you have that will help you improve, you will know what your strengths are.

Make a list of qualities that have been mentioned in your evaluation by you, your coworkers, or your boss.

Those qualities that have been mentioned by more than one person, or more than once in general, should be highlighted.

For example, you might write “reliable” and “dependable” as well as “conscientious,” as noted by both you and your supervisor.

13. Make a list of things you can do better.

If you analyze the results of your evaluations, you will know exactly what you need to do to improve your performance at work. Look for areas where you, your coworkers, and your boss think you can improve.

Look for terms such as “improve,” “increase,” “enhance,” “expand,” and “develop” in your evaluations.

Look for recurring themes in your evaluations, such as punctuality, double-checking facts, or working well with others.

14. Set performance objectives for yourself.

You can achieve goals when you know what areas you need to improve in and your strengths to do so. Setting goals can help you become more specific in your work performance and keep you accountable.

Create a list of goals to increase your productivity. For example, you might set a goal of closing two additional sales a day.

Look for initiatives that are a good fit with your skills and interests. Try to look for tasks that allow you to do more of the things you enjoy and are naturally excellent at. Then volunteer in advance to take on those tasks or work in those areas. Not only will this help you advance in your career, but it will also make your work more meaningful.

15. Get moving.

According to some studies, regular exercise can increase productivity in the workplace (2). Exercise or do something active a few times a week to increase your productivity at work.

Take a short walk on your lunch break or park farther from the door so you have to get up a little earlier in the morning.

Sign up for a gym near your workplace or, if your company has one, use the exercise equipment.

Before going to work, do 10–20 minutes of yoga, jog, or swim.

16. Make sure you get plenty of rest.

Sleep deprivation can affect your concentration, emotions, and energy levels, which can have a negative impact on your productivity. Establish a regular sleep habit to help you get enough sleep.

Start preparing for bed an hour or so in advance. Meditation, reading, or yoga are good ways to calm and relax your body and mind.

Avoid caffeine an hour before bedtime. Instead of coffee or tea, you can drink decaffeinated coffee or a glass of water.

By morning, silence your phone or turn off unnecessary notifications.

17. Make an effort to be attentive.

Concentration can be improved by practicing focusing only on the work at hand and doing it with all your senses. Focus training can help you be more productive and perform better at work.

Instead of multitasking, do one activity at a time. Concentrate all your attention on that one item.

Instead of reading an email while filling out an inventory sheet, focus only on the inventory.

If your mind wanders or you find yourself daydreaming, gently draw your attention back to the activity at hand.

You can say to yourself, “I started thinking about the game.” Let me concentrate on the inventory. “

Thank you for reading this article about how to improve your job performance and I really hope that you take action my advice.

I wish you good luck and I hope its contents have been a good help to you.

Przemkas Mosky
Przemkas Mosky started Perfect 24 Hours in 2017. He is a Personal Productivity Specialist, blogger and entrepreneur. He also works as a coach assisting people to increase their motivation, social skills or leadership abilities. Read more here