How To Be a Real Leader: The 7 Most Important Strategies

Want to know how to be a real leader ? Then you’re in the right place.

A true leader emerges to guide others when the situation demands it. Leadership is not about being a hero, an authoritarian, or a dominant figure. It’s about strategically positioning the right people in the right roles at the right times, enabling them to excel and feel valued. Leadership should be exercised with humility, grace, and a genuine heart.

How To Be a Real Leader:

1. Leverage Your Experience to Support Others

If you possess expertise in a certain area, demonstrate how tasks can be accomplished effectively and create opportunities for others to learn from your example. Instead of suggesting that only a select few are capable, encourage everyone to discover their unique contributions and make a meaningful impact.

Example: If you excel in project management, show your team effective planning and organization techniques. Share your methods openly and encourage team members to adopt and adapt these techniques, fostering a collaborative environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute.

2. Devise Practical and Inclusive Solutions

When challenges arise, a real leader thinks critically and seeks solutions that consider everyone’s needs. Creativity often springs from those who embrace and implement solutions, so prioritize practicality and inclusivity over personal creativity.

Example: When faced with a process inefficiency, gather input from team members and collaboratively develop a streamlined approach that everyone can support and implement, ensuring that the solution is workable for all involved.

3. Engage Others in Problem-Solving

Effective leadership involves sharing ownership of solutions, allowing others to enhance, expand, and tailor them to meet collective needs. Avoid the temptation to perfect solutions alone; instead, foster an environment where others can contribute and shine.

Example: Present a preliminary plan for improving customer service and invite team members to suggest improvements. Delegate responsibilities based on individuals’ strengths, ensuring tasks are matched to the right people and continuously seek feedback to make adjustments as needed.

4. Communicate Your Vision

A real leader has a clear vision and passionately communicates it. This vision should be inclusive, aiming for the greater good and resonating with everyone involved. Leading with your heart, your vision should inspire and motivate, especially during challenging times.

Example: If your vision is to create a more sustainable workplace, articulate how this aligns with the company’s values and the benefits it brings. Share your enthusiasm and commitment, and encourage team members to contribute their ideas and efforts towards achieving this vision.

5. Make Decisive and Thoughtful Decisions

Leaders make tough decisions that others may hesitate to take. While these decisions can be challenging, they should always consider long-term impacts and the well-being of everyone involved. True leaders balance courage with compassion.

Example: When restructuring a team, consider not only the organizational benefits but also the personal impacts on team members. Communicate openly, provide support, and ensure that decisions are made with empathy and respect.

6. Ensure Your Leadership Style is Well-Received

Encourage honest feedback and be open to criticism. Constructive criticism provides valuable insights into your leadership effectiveness and helps you identify areas for improvement before dissatisfaction escalates. Actively listening to and addressing concerns can re-engage your team and foster a more inclusive and positive environment.

Example: Regularly conduct anonymous surveys or hold open forums where team members can freely express their thoughts on your leadership. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments and show your team that their opinions are valued and impactful.

7. Be a Source of Inspiration

True leadership involves inspiring others to view their roles as meaningful and important. When people are passionate about their work, it transcends being just a job and becomes a fulfilling responsibility. The ultimate measure of your leadership is not in the legacy you leave behind, but in the lasting impact you’ve had on the growth and enthusiasm of those you’ve led.

Example: Share stories of how individual contributions have positively impacted the organization or community. Celebrate achievements and milestones, and express genuine appreciation for the dedication and hard work of your team, encouraging them to take pride in their efforts.


  1. Step Up When Needed: A true leader emerges to guide others during critical times. Leadership is not about authority or dominance, but about positioning the right people in the right roles to enable their success and fulfillment.
  2. Leverage Your Experience: Share your expertise and lead by example. Encourage everyone to find their unique contributions, fostering a collaborative and empowering environment.
  3. Devise Practical Solutions: Focus on creating solutions that are practical and inclusive. Consider everyone’s needs and prioritize approaches that are workable and relatable for the entire team.
  4. Engage Others in Problem-Solving: Share ownership of solutions and encourage team members to enhance and tailor them. Delegate tasks based on individual strengths and continuously seek feedback to make necessary adjustments.
  5. Communicate Your Vision: Clearly articulate your vision with passion and inclusivity. Inspire and motivate your team, especially during challenging times, by aligning the vision with shared values and demonstrating commitment.
  6. Make Decisive and Thoughtful Decisions: Make tough decisions with long-term impacts in mind. Balance courage with compassion, ensuring decisions are made with empathy and respect for everyone involved.
  7. Ensure Your Leadership Style is Well-Received: Encourage honest feedback and be open to criticism. Use constructive feedback to make improvements and foster a positive, inclusive environment.
  8. Be a Source of Inspiration: Inspire your team to see their roles as meaningful and important. Celebrate achievements, express genuine appreciation, and create a fulfilling and motivating work environment.

By embracing these principles, you can develop a leadership style that is effective, inclusive, and inspiring, earning the respect and trust of those you lead.

Thank you for reading this article about how to be a real leader and I really hope that you take action my advice.

I wish you good luck and I hope its contents have been a good help to you.

Przemkas Mosky
Przemkas Mosky started Perfect 24 Hours in 2017. He is a Personal Productivity Specialist, blogger and entrepreneur. He also works as a coach assisting people to increase their motivation, social skills or leadership abilities. Read more here