Want to know how to deal with stress in school? Then you’re in the right place.
When the exams are around the corner, all students want their grades to confirm the hard work they have done. Their personal challenge is to pass all exams with good grades. Since students tend to be stressed by upcoming exams, both parents and students should be aware of a series of tips and tricks that can help them fight academic stress.
Nowadays, stress is a problem that can become chronic if not resolved in time. The first step to reducing these negative emotions, generally called academic stress, is to understand the causes that lead to it.
How To Deal With Stress In School
1. Plan your time in a way that it is not only filled with academic stress
Not planning leads to academic stress. Not planning ahead can make us think we have wasted our time. Organize each day of the week with responsibilities such as reviewing specific topics and learning. This not only helps to internalise information, but also reduces anxiety, nervousness and helps to combat academic stress.
You can start by making a weekly schedule. Being realistic and evaluating the time you have is important so you can set your priorities easily. Don’t forget to consider other aspects that may be of benefit to you, such as getting away for a while and relaxing.
During exams we usually do not sleep so that we can learn more. However, sleeping and learning go hand in hand and are equally important. Sleeping helps the brain to process what it has learned during the day.
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2. Avoid distractions
Spending many hours studying different subjects is not an easy task. Therefore, we must avoid distractions. Don’t hesitate to remove everything that might attract your attention and distract you from what you are doing.
First of all, choose the right place to study. You should feel comfortable there and have everything you need, such as notes, computer, books and pens. You need to create a pleasant, attractive and distracting atmosphere.
Avoid noisy places, turn off the sound on your phone and avoid notifications that distract you. Concentrate on your responsibilities. Remember that you have already set the time for entertainment – a time you will enjoy more when you are done with all your duties.
3. Take a break.
It is important to divide your learning time. You do not need to learn for hours and hours without rest. Taking a break is necessary so that you can clear your mind a little. Use this time to relax and stretch the muscles that tend to tighten when sitting. Combating academic stress will become more likely when you take a relaxing break.
You can take these breaks according to the agreed periods of study. For example, a few minutes after finishing a topic that requires intensive concentration. During these recreational moments, it is advisable to do an activity that has a beginning and an end. This means that it should be a short physical activity, such as hanging clothes or tidying up the room.
4. Physical exercises
The mental effort we have to make while learning can make us feel very tired and stressed. Combating academic stress is essential because accumulated fatigue can have negative effects. Therefore, exercise can help you break your routine and distract you from learning. In addition, physical exercise releases endorphins, helps to stimulate memory and makes us feel better overall.
Therefore, if you usually do sports, don’t stop doing it during exams, because then you have to practice the most. Try coming from or running in the park, because contact with nature will help you to relax and unwind.
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5. Relaxation techniques to overcome academic stress
You can use relaxation techniques to fight academic stress. Nowadays, awareness techniques are quite popular because they allow us to be more aware of what we do and to get to know ourselves at a deeper level. They promote our well-being, improve self-esteem, reduce blood pressure and muscle tension. Here are some examples:
- Listen to music: this will improve your mood, stimulate your brain and help you relax.
- Diaphragm breathing or deep breathing: Place your hand on your stomach and focus on breathing.
- Guiding thought: Perform diaphragmatic breathing, then close your eyes and focus your thoughts on an imaginary scene that carries the feeling of peace and quiet.
Although these things may seem too difficult at first glance, you will see from practice that tackling academic stress is easier than you expected. Sooner or later you will start doing these things automatically and effortlessly. These strategies will not only help you with exams, but will also be useful in other areas.
Thank you for reading this article about how to deal with stress in school and I really hope that you take action my advice. I wish you good luck and I hope its contents have been a good help to you.