The GROW model coaching is one of the basic and most frequently used coaching tools. It is not clear who is the author of this method. It is known, however, that Graham Alexander, John Whitmore and Alan Fine made an important contribution to its creation.
GROW is an acronym that can be expanded as follows:
G = Goal
R = Reality
O = Options
W = Will
GROW is a typical coaching session scenario. You are about to learn examples of questions associated with each stage of the process. There will be many more of these questions than in fact, you’re gonna need to. This is so that you can choose for yourself the ones that are most suitable for you.
What Is Grow Model Coaching
1. G = Goal
This is the first and most important stage of coaching. If you have found yourself in a new city and you do not know exactly what street you want to hit, you can spend a few days driving around the city and looking for a place that you see in your head as an unclear and misty image. Therefore, the better you get to know and understand your goal, the easier it will be for you to prepare a good plan that will lead you to achieve it.
With the GROW model you can work on both internal goals (personal development and self-development) and external goals (activities aimed at changing the conditions in which you live).
Asking yourself questions about these goals can be a great way to discover the obstacles that exist to achieving these goals. For example, the desired promotion may be difficult to achieve either by extremely high requirements of the boss (external factor), or by your lack of self-confidence at work (internal factor).
What really matters here is to find out if the goal is something you really want to do deep down in your heart. If you really care about it, you don’t even have to write it down, because it just won’t leave you alone. I will mention only one principle that can have a huge impact on your motivation to act – it is worth defining the goal in a positive way (i.e. in such a way that it talks about what you want to achieve and not about what you do not want to achieve). Why?
Because every word affects your feelings and causes some reactions. If your goal is to “Stop stressing”, then the word “stressing” will evoke in your mind specific feelings and reactions. associations and feelings every time you think about your goal. Maybe is to sabotage your efforts, and you won’t even know it.
You can turn almost every problem into a goal. If you don’t want to have a problem, think about what you want instead. This question may seem simple to you, but it often happens that people don’t know what they really want. However until a specific objective is set, we will not go one step further. There is one question that will make it easier for you to identify a positive target: what will happen, when the problem disappears?
Continuing with our example, I might ask myself: what will happen when the stress disappears? I would feel an inner peace. And that’s what it can be my goal – to achieve inner peace. When the goal is formulated positively, it is much easier for us to find adequate ways to achieve it.
It doesn’t matter much how you define the topic – it should be the first thing you think of. So you can write “stress” on a piece of paper, for example, and only at this stage of the process, with the help of questions, can you specify your goal in detail. Remember to write down the process on paper. These can be keywords if you don’t see the need to write everything down in full sentences.
There is a good chance that the goal you set yourself when working with a GROW model will be more of a goal for a few days than a single session. In many cases, this will only be the first stage – as answers to some questions may give rise to new directions or issues, which will be must be addressed through other techniques within the Insight method.
Read the following questions. Not all of them are designed to be precise about what you want to achieve. Some will allow you to look at your goal from a different perspective or for additional information
Questions about the goal:
– What exactly do I want to achieve?
– How will I know that I have achieved this goal?
– How will achieving this goal affect my life?
– What will be the consequences of achieving this goal for my family, my job, my health?
– Why is this goal important to me?
– What will it bring me closer to achieving this goal?
– What happens if I don’t achieve this goal?
– What would happen if I did nothing to achieve this goal?
– When will I achieve this goal, what will improve in my life?
– Is this goal worth taking any action to achieve it?
– What do I do instead of working on this goal?
– What would I do if I didn’t have an excuse?
SEE ALSO: How To Be Your Own Life Coach: Ask Yourself These Questions
2. R = Reality
At this stage, your task is to determine the current state of affairs and determine where you are on your way to achieving your goal. Here you look at what the surrounding reality looks like.
You focus on the resources and tools you already have that you may need to achieve your goal. You pay attention to possible deficiencies or obstacles that may prevent you from acting. You look at your behaviours, actions, reactions and emotions in order to better understand the point from which you are starting. It’s a bit like studying on a map the place you are currently in to better understand how to choose the right way to your destination.
This stage will help you to build a motivation based on the consciousness of the difference between the present state and the present state. and the goal you’re pursuing.
For example, during the question about obstacles on the path to to achieve your goal, you may realize that you are prevented from acting by the current conflict with your partner. Perhaps it would be worthwhile in such a situation to deal with the following first the conflict itself and go through the GROW model with a new goal, and only then return to the original goal. This will not always be necessary – you decide for yourself how much attention you need to pay to any obstacles you may have.
Questions about reality
– What’s my current situation?
– How does the current situation affect my goal?
– At what stage am I in the process of achieving this goal?
– What is stopping me from achieving this goal?
– What is stopping me from working towards achieving this goal right now for this purpose?
– Is what I am doing now bringing me closer to achieving this goal?
– Which resources do I already have to achieve this goal?
– What personality traits can help me achieve this goal?
– What personality traits can prevent me from achieving this goal?
– What skills can help me achieve this goal?
– What habits can help me achieve this goal?
– What habits can prevent me from achieving this goal?
– What information do I now have that is relevant to this goal?
– At what level (1 – 100) is my motivation to achieve this goal?
– What can someone who sees me from the side say about me?
– What have I tried so far?
– What led me to this place?
– What is the most important thing in this situation?
– What else do I need to achieve this goal?
– What else affects my current situation and this goal?
3. O = Options
This stage is a brainstorming exercise to answer the question of what you can do in the current situation. The following questions will help you to create dozens of ideas and solutions. Some of them may be crucial and groundbreaking, others may not be significant. When answering these questions, don’t evaluate the ideas, let yourself get everything you can think of. Only then will you choose the most relevant ones from the saved ideas.
Questions about the options
– How can I achieve this goal?
– If I had the necessary time, money and knowledge, what could I do to to achieve the goal?
– How can I cope with the obstacles to implementation for this purpose?
– Who in my environment can help me achieve this goal?
– What exactly could these people do?
– How can I ask these people for help?
– What would I do if I wasn’t afraid of other people’s opinions?
– What advice would my authority give me in this area?
– What can I do to increase my motivation to achieve this goal?
– How can I achieve concentration on this goal?
– If I had unlimited resources, what would I do?
– How else can I do it?
– What else can I do?
– What can I do to make these activities more enjoyable and rewarding?
– How can I reward myself for achieving this goal?
– What kind of complications or problems may arise on the way to implementation for this purpose?
– How can I prevent possible complications or problems?
– Where can I get additional information on selected actions?
– What other goal can I achieve to make it easier for myself to achieve this goal?
SEE ALSO: Here’s Why Goal Setting Can Hurt You (And What To Do About It)
4. W = Will
At this stage, you select the best solutions and plan your actions. You make decisions and define what, where, when, how and by whom to do it.
Questions about action
– What criteria will I use in the selection of solutions?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option?
– Which of the solutions will give me the best results?
– Which solution suits me best?
– Which of the solutions would give me the most satisfaction?
– Which solutions do I choose?
– What can I do now?
– What will be my first step?
– What will I do next?
– What do I intend to do exactly?
– By when am I going to do it?
– What will I do in the next 24 hours?
– What will I do in the next week?
– What will I do in the next month?
– What will I do in the coming year?
Let’s get straight to practice. Now test the GROW model on how to increase your productivity. Follow these steps:
1. Prepare a card and pen. At the top, write down the topic you want to work on.
2. enter into a state of concentration.
3. Start asking yourself questions from each stage of the GROW model one by one.
4. Write down all the answers on a piece of paper (it can be shortened), dividing them into relevant groups according to the stages of the GROW model (in a separate response group) from the “goal” stage, from the “reality” stage, etc.). Do not enter …there are questions, just answers.
5. Once you have asked yourself all the questions, read all the answers.
and ask yourself the final concluding question: “What are my conclusions? What have I learned?
On a separate sheet of paper, in a calendar or in a personal development diary, write the following down their conclusions in the form of a brief summary. Consider the first step and actions you would like to take is a way to combine the results session with your everyday reality.